Are we really doing this again, Jacob?
NARRATOR: Yes. Sadly we are. Some people are just slow learners.
inauthentic content
AKA the only content Wohl and Burkman have.
Remember when Wohl tried to take the Mueller investigation down by holding a press conference at a Holiday Inn and his buddy Jack Burkman had his fly open the whole time on live national television?
Not exactly the best and brightest, this one.
“And then he ran into my knife. He ran into my knife ten times…”
We are so fortunate that most of these grifters aren’t particularly bright.
What a snark magnet. Can’t decide what to go with.
Jacob “Not Well” Wohl. He’s a boy-genius Mozart at fucking up on a national level.
Fake Boos?
Boy Genius??? C’mon!!
It sort of works in a Peabody and his boy Sherman kind of way. That was a series where the supercilious Peabody takes takes the somewhat idiotic Sherman through completely ahistorical events using the Wayback Machine, where everything’s made up and the facts don’t matter. Wohl could probably sub in for either of those characters and anyone who watched the show wouldn’t even notice the difference.
The boy looks like he was born with fetal alcohol syndrome…
How about we use Stupid Wunderkind or Idiot Savant instead? Being this bad at fake news must put Wohl several standard deviations above average on the DumbQ scale.
I’m starting to wonder if these are really double agents trying to make conservatives look like total imbeciles.
I mean, nobody is really this stupid are they?
Beavis and real life.
“Boy Genius” is clearly intended ironically, since Wohl is clearly anything but. Idiot-Savant wouldn’t really be an appropriate descriptor because that generally describes someone like Dustin Hoffman’s character in Rainman who has a mental disability, but is exceptional in certain, specific ways. There is nothing exceptional about Wohl. He’s just generally incompetent at anything he tries to do.
Tom Tomorrow did a This Modern World comic several years ago where Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld start out as a couple of hippies in the 1970s who decide to go in deep cover to infiltrate and destroy the Republican party from the inside. So having secured power and prestige, they try to break the GOP with the disastrous invasion of Iraq, expecting the party to implode on itself. They are subsequently flabbergasted when the party rallies around their stupidity and Bush is reelected (I may be embellishing the comic a bit since it’s pretty old now, but that’s roughly how it went).
Of course, the Occam’s Razor explanation is, yes they really are this stupid.
And I see no evidence against it, either.
Why does this weenie get any ink at all?
You’d think Wohl’s antics would have merited a Twitter shout-out from Deranged Donald by now. Maybe I missed it.