Discussion: Bottom-Tier GOPers Respond Passive-Aggressively To Being Left Out Of The Main Debate

Discussion for article #239088

“Not Ready For Prime Time”


Ve hier at ze Schadenfreude Institut vill be monitorring zis ongoink egzample von impeccable schadenfreude mit der clozest attention. Danke shoen, Herren Trump und Priebus.


Carly Fiorina: “In other words, the vast majority of Republican voters, let alone Americans, still don’t know who I am. So that’s not unexpected considering I am not a professional politician.”

There’s also the fact that those Americans who do know who you are don’t like you.


But all 17 of them are not yet ready for prime time, except Trump, who already had a prime time show.*

*Not to be taken as an endorsement of Donald Trump, just stating a fact.


In the end it may be an advantage being in a debate without Trump.

Trump is a scene-stealer and will grab at least 50% of the talking time during the show/debate and 80% of the attention after the show/debate.


I have a feeling at least one of them will be found hanging in their cell before showtime…


Was he pushed or did he jump himself ?

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I hope they band together and crash the later First Tier event. They can all dress up like the TeaParty and carry pitchforks and torches.


Carly Fiorina blamed her absence from the prime-time debate on the fact that she is “not a professional politician.”

As opposed to Trump?


Hillary Fatigue has moved way way down the list.

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Don’t you just love Karma? I mean, these “bottom tiered” chumps – who would bust a gut to get some air time on GOP-TV (FOX) – still don’t realize that Roger Ailes, FOX, and the Koch Brothers have already selected the Republican nominee…these shot callers and their $900-million are full flush behind Scotty Walker…These folks have already been betrayed and they don’t even realize it…I am so laughing at them…


Actually, the Kiddie Table should be more of a debate without the distraction of the Trumpster and all of the expectations from the TOP Turds…being the Cellar Dwellers may play a little better for the kiddies…Just gotta keep em away from eating the crayons and white paste…


well, Trump might be called a Professional politician, but sorry Carly, you ain’t gonna make it…


“Oh, no room for Rick, huh? Fine! I’ll go build my own debate, with blackjack and hookers. In fact, forget the debate and the blackjack. Ahh, screw the whole thing!”


Next up for the GOP contestants, I mean candidates, finding a Confederate flag hidden in the middle of an Iowa field of corn, building a cabinet using only the white men already on their election teams and preparing a deconstructed meal themed on whichever of Obama’s accomplishments they would first repeal.
Remember, whoever finds the immunity idol cannot be eliminated by Roger Ailes so long as they are polling in the top five (National polls to be determined at a later date).


And there’s the fact Donald Trump isn’t a professional politician either but is in the number one position. Carson too at number five.


I look forward to being @FoxNews 5pm debate for what will be a serious exchange of ideas & positive solutions to get America back on track. - Rick Perry

Yeah, I would look forward to that as well. Too bad it won’t happen with this program. No one cares what any of these folks think about anything.

And as for the later one: it’s gonna be a free-for-all shouting match and invective that I will all too happily miss because I will be flying home at that hour.

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The disloyal opposition in Third World countries run better campaigns than these clowns. Not one of them have the anything approaching a coherent policy plan that isn’t larded with ideologically driven nonsense.

I never watch Fox, but this will be entertaining to say the least.

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How ironic that the RNC cut the number of debates and threw them to Fox to prevent the Clown Show that was the 2012 election and they ended up with an even more laughable situation.