I fully remember this fascist coward threatening to throw a reporter over a railing.
His loss couldn’t be better for those who want to keep domestic terrorists out of government. We still have Trump, tho, the worst of them all.
Maybe Whiny can pardon him and decree he won. I mean, can you imagine him as the GOP nominee? Chalk another seat in the Democratic column!
It’s a good night in NY-
Now the thuggish Mr. Grimm can move on to a career that really suits his talents and demeanor -
immigration agent for ICE.
I would give anything if that reporter he threatened walked up to him and said:
“Fuck me? FUCK YOU!”
The day after Grimm gets his ass royally kicked in the primary
Actually, I’m kind of disappointed. I wanted him to win so he could be a walking billboard for the shameless GOP for five months and THEN get his ass kicked.
The brother’s Grimm! What a dweeb!!
This is so last week, I know, but this guy really deserves a …
Womp womp!!
To the fellow he threatened, CHEERS!
Bye Felisha.
Ah, Grimm.
Only a (fractured) fairy tale.
Come on guys this district is solidly Republican, but can you imagine how revolting the campaigning must have been? “I love Trump.” “No I love Trump more than you.”
The thing I remember about Grimm is that he was Kontogiannis’ lawyer and tried to get him off with probation. I remember thinking he was a bad FBI guy, but other people said, “No, he has a decent reputation.” Turns out he was bad.
I’m expecting him to move to Montana to become a cow reporter puncher.
Good. Now go away
Turns out he had polygamous marriages, or one marriage and one intimate long term relationship. It wasnt just the tax fraud stuff and threatening NY1’s reporter in the US Capitol Rotunda balcony.
The reporter is probably too much of a gentleman to actually DO it. But I bet you he has thought about it over a beer with friends…
I thought he was moving to Montana to become a dental floss tycoon.
Ba da bing, baby!