THIS administration with a Stooges reference?
That’s pretty Russia soundin’ to me.
“…this troika of tyranny, this triangle of terror…"
This toxic turd-polishing tool of a Trump toady.
I’ve heard more eloquence from a juvenile delinquent extorting lunch money behind the teeter-totters.
Only a matter of time until Trump starts lavishing praise upon Bolsonaro as well. He’s a starry-eyed sucker for a real banana republican.
I’ve never equated Moe Larry and Curly with terror. But it all becomes clear now.
I’m 69 and Bolton is so dated that he needs to be trashed. Our policies in Cuba prior to the revolution were not in the interest of the Cuban people but the money interests and the Mob, which ran the night clubs and gambling in Havana. Batista was a monster the we supported and in fact put in office after the Cubans themselves tossed out. So once again we are bitching about a problem we created and blaming it on the solution the we forced on the nation.
Isn’t more than 60 years long enough to make Cuba a fall guy?
I guess Axis of Evil was taken.
Bolton never met a tyrant he didn’t like.
Except, of course, those hius boss brands as the “Troika of Tyranny.”
I’m no fan of the Maduro government. The Chavistas have destroyed a once productive, beautiful country. But Venezuela is no threat to anyone but its own people. It is virtually bankrupt, with most of its energy assets pledged to Russian and Chinese state-owned entities and creditors and judgment holders coming after the rest of them.
Cuba is desperate to move into the 21st Century economy, and Nicaragua is completely ineffectual.
The Axis Powers they are not.
Have the Republicans ever met a South American fascist dictator they didn’t just adore?
Didn’t we do that one enough last century?
Why does it always seem to boil down to socialists vs psychopaths in SA?
Wasn’t there a story about the Cheney cabal buying up water rights in South America?
The 1% are protecting their investment.
Uruguay is quite nice.
One of Anthony Bourdain’s best episodes was in Uruguay.
And it worked out so well as a slogan for idiotic and incompetent war… They might even etch it on Frum’s gravestone.
“Troika of Tyranny” = “Axis of Evil 2.0” Oh, and T of T is highly unoriginal too. Bolton = Doofus
If you are a rich American capitalist heavily invested in American Oil interests, these guys are pretty scary.