Discussion: Boehner: US May Have 'No Choice' But To Send Troops To Defeat ISIL

Too bad both the President and John Boehner either don’t realize or don’t state the obvious.

The savagery of ISIL is simply a symptom, just like the savagery of al Qaeda, Taliban, lashkar e Taiba, Boko Haram, al Shabab and the other terrorist groups. The real causes are the inhumane, barbaric and amoral beliefs and actions of those following the teachings of Wahabbi religion.

The authoritarian tyrants who rule Saudi Arabia have long supported the radical jihadi Wahabbi mullahdom to hold on to power in their medieval tribalistic society. Remember, the Saudi kings still behead criminals in public and their flag has a beheading sword as its main symbol. Beheadings are part of their modern culture.

We will be playing whack-a-mole with these Wahabbis groups because this is a medusa-headed monster. You destroy one group and another monster more vicious than before will emerge. We will have war for a long time unless we focus on replacing their broken educational, social and cultural values with the same determinism we took on Nazism and Communism.

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i have an idea, why not send the republican congress and senate to do our fighting for us?.. they loved it when they voted along with george w. stupid to bomb iraq…

I have supported a draft for years and taken every opportunity to say so. If there had been a draft in 02 Bush would never have invaded Iraq. We would see a lot less contractors supporting the military. It does seem that the Republicans have a go to war attitude of late. I wonder if it has anything to do with the money made by the weapons makers?

After you, Mister Speaker. You were in the Navy for eight weeks, weren’t you?

I wonder whether the Speaker has asked his kids and members of this family to enlist?