Discussion: Boehner: US May Have 'No Choice' But To Send Troops To Defeat ISIL

Discussion for article #228164

Institute the draft.

Everybody needs an opportunity to put their TeaTriotism on the line for their right to bear arms, etc.


Thankfully, it’s not your decision.


It’s scary that this boozer is second in line behind Biden to become President!


“US May Have ‘No Choice’ But To Send Troops To Defeat ISIL”

Because that worked so well defeating the Taliban and Al Qaeda.


OK, Chickenhawk. You go first.


I’m assuming none of the GOP deficit fear mongers are going to require that the funds needed for this have to be offset by other spending cuts. But money for hurricane relief or unemployment - those have to be offset.


If the President had mentioned sending troops, Tang would be calling the President a dictator.


John Boehner seemed to emotionally unstable, disoriented and either medicated or under the influence at his last press conference. I wonder whether the conservatives are keeping John Boehner as Speaker out of pity or because they know he is easily manipulated and incompetent.


There’s no way to defeat something like ISIL. That’s like saying you’re going to defeat street gangs. You may kill the people, but you won’t kill the ideology that compels people to join groups like this in the first place. The best you can hope for is to stop them from taking over and then turning it into a smaller, yet manageable, issue. And that isn’t purely through military means.


The one with no choice is Boehner, its not up to him,its for The President to decide. I always get a kick when politicians act like they have more power then they actually do. John McCain for example thinks he is president,secretary
of state and a member of the joint chiefs all rolled into one


Let’s give sad tangerine the benefit of the doubt. I can see why we would need ground fighters to do some mop up. But, does it have to be OUR boots? Can’t we supply air power and let, oh say, the UAE and Turkey or even Syria and Iraq supply the boots on the ground?

Or does that not supply enough Halliburton contracts?


Well Mr Speaker I believe that’s what debate is about in congress as they did in Parliament the other day,that is if you can pull your tails from between your legs.


No choice, huh? You mean you want to treat all of us the same way you want to treat women? I don’t think so, Boozer. This is madness, and we sure as hell have plenty of choice, your assertions notwithstanding. Now, go suck down a Merlot and have a smoke and shut the fuck up.

Precisely. And unlike street gangs, killing them in fact accelerates their recruitment. And that we euphemistically term “collateral damage” is in fact the slaughter of innocent noncombatant women, children, and elderly, further infuriating the people into a justifiable intolerance.

The only solution I’ve heard that sounds plausible is that we have to set an example and build relationships that cause the people who live there to shun these extremists and turn their intolerance towards them, not us. We can’t do that by killing them. It’s totally nonsensical. Killing is just an expedient way of defending oil industry assets, that’s all.


When every last eligible child, grandchild, niece, nephew, of the politicians are sent as the boots on the ground first then you can send the little peoples kids. You want to send people to their death send your family in harms way first. Lead by example.

Meanwhile I am with Obama in insisting the Arab and Muslim countries fight for their freedom first. We will never leave if we go in. The Republicans know this and they want an occupying force kept there forever. They see this as their opportunity to continue the Iraq invasion to this conclusion. Don’t let him/them do it.


This is a sad spectacle. ISIS has had surprise victories against feckless Iraqi army groups. But from what (little) I’ve read their situation is volatile and they can be defeated by a determined opponent (the Kurds come to mind). The belief in this country that they present a serious threat to us, here, seems to come from their appalling willingness to kill captives. But anyone amoral enough can do that. It doesn’t make them superhuman—ultimately it works to their disadvantage. We don’t need panicky, politically motivated posturing from people who don’t know and don’t care what the strategic realities are. Playing unserious games with this country’s defense is one of the most disgusting things the Republicans have continually done since they went off the rails.


Perhaps the President should delay any decision until January as the GOP begs to wait it out for a new Attorney General, or is the hurry up on war but wait it out for justice just more political pandering by the GOTP pander-bears.


Boehner, of course, misses the point, which is – to “defeat ISIS”, it matters whose boots are on the ground. If it’s ours, it won’t work, as demonstrated in prior civil wars: Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Vietnam, …

As with Ukraine (the Russian economy is sinking ever deeper into the s***), Obama is getting this right.

“He added that he would bring Congress back from recess to vote on a resolution authorizing military action in Iraq and Syria.”

Boehner must be feeling a bit ashamed now that the Brits completed their legislative authorization. Even the merlot wine bottle knows when you have a real coalition as opposed to a fake one, you can put boots on the ground. Steady as you go.