Discussion for article #223838
I’m confused. Isn’t this already 2014? Isn’t he already Speaker? Or are we talking about 2015?
I thought the conventional wisdom was that he wasn’t going to run again.
Hmmm. Lots of stuff flying around since last night, most of it pulled from dark places.
Wow! He didn’t even leave Cantor’s corpse time to cool down.
The empty suit speaks!
You know, I thought the photos of Boehner last night at the restaurant, he looked amazingly calm…like someone who is just hearing the completion of long laid plans. I wonder if he had a hand in Cantor’s loss last night…
Boehner cleaning house to do battle with the tea partiers?
Nobody is…they are stripping it before it hits the ground.
This will give all the stab wounds from Cantor in Boehner’s back, time to heal.
OK, I want to see a big headline stating:
“Boehner All In, Republicans Squirm.”
Is taxpayer money paying the 2 guys around him 24/7 to keep his hands off the bottle for a few more days anyway? Ya know, got to look the part some of the time.
Can’t imagine it’d be too difficult to find another f^ckup in the House to replace Bonehead.
Perhaps not of the same magnitude-- but that in itself would indicate an improvement.
I guess the tea baggers even scare the Orange man
He has a heck of a lot more experience than they do and some hidden cards, I imagine.
A Republican House Speaker today has one job: Prevent the country from defaulting. Boehner did that. Let’s hope the next stooge can.
Pollster John McLaughlin told him he was a shoo-in. He’s ahead by 34 points!
And after he loses to some teabag favorite he will resign from the House and take a sweet lobbying gig.
I would doubt that, Boehner is way too spineless to face the tea partiers…
Is it not fair to win majority first before oiling your mustaches?
I think he is quite certain that the GOP will retain the House. I wonder if he has another think coming?