Discussion: Boehner Says Near-Shutdown Was 'Messy': 'And I'm Not Into Messy'

Discussion for article #233810

“And I’m not into messy”

I would say that’s the defining characteristic of Boehner’s tenure once you factor out chaotic and meandering.


Dude, you are the definition of messy. A walking, talking hot mess of a man.


Well, if you’re not into messy might I suggest that you grow a backbone, inform the GOP they can whine about things all they want, get Democrats to support funding the government and stop standing next to the fan the shit keeps hitting!


Not into messy, huh? It’s what you and your party LIVE for. Someone please make it stop.


You noticed it was the President’s fault they couldn’t pass their own bill? All he had to do to avoid the “messy” was to bring the Senate clean bill up for a vote. It would have passed with bipartisan support but no the President forced him not to bring it up.


“The promise I made to Ms. Pelosi is the same promise I made to Republicans: that we would follow regular order,” Boehner said.

Themz weasel words. If that’s the most these Sunday shows got out of discussing the absolute clusterfuck that the House Republicans have forced on the country all last week, the stenographers are still the ones put in charge on those shows, and the real journalists have taken an extended holiday from actual reporting and interviewing. No followups, no holding the Republican Congress accountable…more shift away from pointing to the abject failure of their leadership. What a waste of an opportunity to hold this asshole responsible at his job.

Corporate owned news media is a farce of unlimited proportions.


Not into messy? Really?
Saddled with a caucus that’s like herding 10,000 cats and he’s not into messy.


“I made it clear we’re going to do everything we could to block the
president’s executive over-reach, and that’s the basis of the problem
that we’re trying to deal with,” he said, adding that the “Senate
refused to pass their own bill.”

Pardon Mr Speaker but the Senate understands it’s necessary to separate these issues. They passed a funding bill which YOU could not, not even for 3 weeks. To say the Senate did not pass a bill is a frigging bald faced LIE (points finger)!!
You GOP folks picked this fight by ignoring an immigration reform bill. Obama does YOUR job for YOU and then in a pique of a fit you accuse him of over reach. Look, pass a bipartisan immigration reform bill and act like a goddam adult.


“The promise I made to Ms. Pelosi is the same promise I made to Republicans: that we would follow regular order,” Boehner said.

what the hell does that mean?
did he or didn’t he offer a clean bill to pelosi for democratic votes? and if he did, and is now reneging on it – ooohhh, boy. he will never ever get her support to save his wrinkly ass again. curious what she has to say. i’ve not seen what her reaction is to boehner’s denial of the deal.


“regular order”?
From House Bozos ®… he must be referring to the line outside the bathroom


Not messy…“disaster is more my style” he continued


“I enjoy all the personalities, and I’ve got a lot of them.”

So, that’s the problem. You know, there’s drugs for Dissociative Personality Disorder.


You’re going to have “messy” until you start whacking your TP colleagues.

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John (places hand on Boehner’s shoulder in a fatherly way) your caucus has about 50 tea party members… you are gonna hafta deal with “messy” on a daily basis because your caucus is like herding cats.


If Boehner wants to stop “messy”, he should STOP being a dictator and bring bills that PASS the Senate with bipartisan support to the floor of the House. We have all complained about the filibuster but we have a more severe problem and that is the ability of a Speaker of the House to STOP all legislation that he or she alone deem inappropriate.


You don’t go on to Sunday gasbag fests to perform an Act of Contrition, but I’d like see someone administer the Last Rites and put him out of his misery.


You may not be “into messy” Boehner, but messy sure is into you.


He’s into circus clown acts.

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You can’t be a pig fucker and not be into messy, John. :wink: