Discussion: Boehner Says GOP Will 'Never' Repeal Obamacare: 'It's Been Around Too Long'

If Trump weren’t constantly fighting with the press, the awful drumbeat of shocking news about his campaign would have created a much more potent effect.

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rAyn is a bit like Dorrmann, “talked into” becoming Speaker


Except that Dorfmannn had a faster marathon time than Paulie.


Boehner, one of the most brilliant political analysts in the history of the Republic…

You can expect repeal, maybe with replace, to pass the Senate before the end of the month. McConnell is going to get it done, just like Ryan did. Hell or high water.

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“It’s been around too long” is exactly the reason why the powers that be want it gone.

No doubt climbed more of Colorado’s fourteener peaks…


They have no choice. The entire Republican Party ran on repealing Obamacare for 7 years. Either do what you said you would do or prepare for your base to abandon you in 2018.

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SS and Medicare
Librul Commie plots to take money out of the pockets of the “Job Creators”


John was sometimes quite personable, but no one ever said he was particularly bright.

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If you get rid of the individual mandate and the employer mandate, then you don’t have Obamacare any longer.


(as it it will make a difference)

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Though when the base realizes what their elected officials did to its health care, it’s still going to be pissed as hell. The Republicans are in a no win position, unless they decide to give up entirely on the pretense of democratic elections.

And I fear that is where they are going.


Boehner predicts it’ll fail? F-ing great. The only worse news would be if Billy “Ain’t Been Right About Anything, Ever” Kristol were to predict the same thing.


They’re already doing it. The KKKRis KKKobach KKKommission, the DOJ pulling some similar crap re: purging voter rolls, the 17th Amendment repeal bill from ALEC by way of some moron Rethug Rep – they’re trying to make it so that Dems get almost completely disenfranchised.

Thank FSM that we have those “serious” politicians, McConnell and Ryan, to rein in Trump, just as so many people told us last year.

Why do you say that? I thought Obamacare didn’t have any impact on 85% of us, at least that is what was said when it was passed and signed into law. so how is it going to impact a punch of Republicans and not Democrats?

Won’t affect how base votes… this group has historically voted against their own best interest. There is no reason to expect any change.

I would agree with that assessment. However, the current options on the table are still going to result in a huge defeat in 2018, with the added bonus of literally killing off their base longer term.

And as much as the GOP wants to believe that hundreds of millions of dead people vote every election, the reality is…Dead People Don’t Vote.

2018 is already shaping up to be really, really ugly for the GOP. First midterms almost always go against the party in the WH; midterms with the President below 40% approval and dropping; an inability to get candidates to step forward in places like Montana, North Dakota, Indiana, Missouri…and they want to add passing the most unpopular bill in the history of tracking bill’s popularity, that will take billions away from their very own base, to give away tax cuts to the richest 1%?? Which, BTW is the exact opposite of what the GOP candidate ran under in 2016.


You might be right, and I don’t think we’re out of the woods yet, so who knows what, if anything, they’ll actually manage to repeal/replace. But the Republican practically exists by over-promising repeal of the entire social safety net. Despite their decades-long rhetoric Social Security is still here. Medicaid and Medicare still exist. SNAP benefits aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. It’s a party that runs on empty promises, because if they ever managed to accomplish anything beyond hand jobs to rich people, they’d be ridding themselves of the boogeymen they use to win elections. Abortion is in that same category. It’s lip service for votes and zero meaningful action. The rubes fall for it every time. That’s why I think the ACA is mostly here to stay.


I do not see any real change for the Republican party dynamic “Moderates Always Cave”. The old saw, bad habits are hard to break, comes to mind.

Or, put another way, I will believe the dynamic has shifted when there is hard evidence of that from their votes on the hill.

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