Discussion for article #241505
Well…that should settle things, then.
Let’s review:
- McCarthy admitted that the Repugs are exploiting the deaths of four Americans;
- McCarthy is a moron;
- They gave Hillary Clinton the ability to neutralize their attacks.
- There is nothing they can do about it.
Game. Set. Match.
With Baby Face Chaffetz now palpitating for speaker the House’s old guard is doing the total re-make of what McCarthy actually uttered.
So fun to watch!
It’s kind of like they all went up on the roof to welcome the potential of a new Speaker and then…
McCarthy: “Don’t believe anything I said before. I don’t!”
You can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube.
Nor the shit back in the bat.
Introducing McCarthy the Cat…
Yeah, you missed, champ. No, you can’t put it back in and have a “do-over”.
GOTP politicians explained…
Remeber this blast from the past by my former senator Jon Kyl.
On April 8th, 2011, the U.S. government stood still on the verge of shutdown as the Congress struggled to reach a compromise in budget plans. During the debate on Senate floor, Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl put forth a false statistics that Planned Parenthood, a non-profit maternal and child health service organization, spent 90% of its budget towards abortion-related activities.
“Everybody goes to clinics, to hospitals, to doctors, and so on. Some people go to Planned Parenthood. But you don’t have to go to Planned Parenthood to get your cholesterol or your blood pressure checked. If you want an abortion, you go to Planned Parenthood, and that’s well over 90 percent of what Planned Parenthood does.”
The congressional debate was nationally broadcast via C-SPAN and several political blogs including ThinkProgress[1] and Politifact[2] quickly reported on its inaccuracy, citing the organization’s 2009 budget chart which shows only 3% of services performed were abortions. In response to media inquiries, Senator Kyl’s office then released an ethically questionable statement saying that his remark was “not intended to be a factual statement.”
Hey–everyone’s probably noticed this…but his name is McCarthy! So this is the “New McCarthyism.” Can it become a meme?
“I’ve Gotta Be Meme”
Defeatist attitudes. Both of you.
this from the First book of Bokonan with homage to Kurt Vonnegut.
Verse 1: All of the true things that I am about to tell you are shameless lies.
“I am not a crook” R. Nixon.
“Let me just add this: There’s not one American in the course of their lifetime who wouldn’t rather have the opportunity to say words over again,” Boehner said, according to CNN.
Like NOW.
Please allow me to translate RepubSpeak.
Of course he should be forgiven; his words forgotten and the county should just move on. The essence of good governance is good political theater. We all know that it is the show that is important not the words the actors utter. Please move along… there is nothing to see here.
The republican measure of integrity in a public figure is that once he is bought he stays bought. By this measure McCarthy is golden. LET HIM BE!
“It’s a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.”
― George Orwell, 1984
“Let’s be very clear: Benghazi is not politÂicÂal,” McÂCarthy said. “It was creÂated for one purÂpose and one purÂpose only: to find the truth on beÂhalf of the famÂilÂies of the four dead AmerÂicÂans. PeriÂod.”
You sir, are simply a liar.
“The inÂtegÂrity of Trey Gowdy, the inÂtegÂrity of the work that has been done has nevÂer come inÂto quesÂtion and it nevÂer should be.”
What “work” is that? The 100% irrelevant Clinton email non-scandel you and your party have done everything possible to whip up into something when in fact Sec. Clinton is the only one to have actually and fully complied with the records request made of all former Sec. of State gong back to Albright?
I think a cursory Google and LexisNexis search would disprove this contention to the tune of a few dozen citations.