Discussion: Boehner: I'm The Most 'Anti-Establishment Speaker We've Ever Had'

That frittata is spoiled.
I think Boehner should go back to sweeping the floor in his family bar (if still in existence) in Hamilton, Ohio as he did in his teen age years. The accomplishments would be about equal to his personal contributions during his terms in Congress.

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Iā€™ll tell you what pains me the most is when they describe me as the establishment," Boehner said. ā€œNow, Iā€™m the most anti-establishment speaker weā€™ve ever had.ā€

Boehner then ticked off that heā€™s ā€œthe guy who believes in regular orderā€ ā€¦

Regular order. Thereā€™s a guy who really knows how to stick it to the man.

I mean, nothing says rebel like a man who prioritizes keeping regular.

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You are spot on Doremus.
From your link"
ā€œAntiestablishmentarianism has ties to anarchismā€

Drown that pesky evil govā€™t in a bathtubā€¦says Grover Norquist.


I think heā€™s referring to the social safety net and if so heā€™s been marginally successful.


Orange is the new anti-establishmentist.


Dude wears shorts on the links with the POTUS. Practically defines iconoclast.



Iā€™ve got it!!!
Boehnerā€™s auditioning for a show on Comedy Central.
Thatā€™s gotta be it.

16 percent is being generous. Iā€™ve heard their approval could be as low as 9%.

Republicans have a compulsive need to do this. Thatā€™s what ā€œmore conservativeā€ means, itā€™s ā€œanti-establishmentā€ credentials. Factual accuracy isnā€™t really important. They were doing it when Bush was in office with control of Congress and a right-wing SCOTUS, and Reagan was still criticizing ā€œWashingtonā€ in his second term. Total nonsense but thatā€™s their world.

Itā€™s all part of the democratization of outsider-ness. Everyone can be a rebel!!

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ā€œNow, Iā€™m the most blood shot, bleary eyed speaker weā€™ve ever had.ā€

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Sure. Boehner is about as anti-establishment and his tan is natural.


Let me fix that typo for you, John. ā€œIā€™m the most anti-good government speaker weā€™ve ever had.ā€

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ā€œIā€™m pretty comfortable in my own skinā€¦ā€, said Boehner. Cā€™mon folks. This oneā€™s teed up.

Boehner: "I'm the Most 'Anti-Establishment' Speaker We've Ever Had"

I think the word Boehner is looking for is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

Youā€™re the Speaker of the House. By definition, you are the Establishment.

Anti-Establishment and Corporatist Tool arenā€™t synonymous.

While you are on your self promotion tour, why not throw in:
The worst speaker ever
the most owned speaker
the speaker hooked to many leashes
the most absurd speaker
the most lies told by a speaker
the most anti- democracy speaker
the most anti-union speaker
the most anti-USPS speaker
the most racist speaker, top 10 anyway
the most blinded by logic speaker
the most anti-color speaker except white
got 100 more, but I just keep getting more depressed.