And to think at one time I didn’t like Mr Boehner
I do believe I shall invite him over for a drink…for stating the obvious and what every Republican should be saying
Welcome to sobriety, Mr. Speaker! It’s a fine place to be…
Wait - isn’t this the person Rinse My Prius called to speak to Rump to make him approve the budget because Rump doesn’t listen to Speaker Ryan?
In the article, he equates Hillary’s campaign with Trump’s in terms of contact with Russia. To say the least, that’s not my understanding of the situation at all.
Trump “did what he could” with health care, Boehner said, but he should have focused on repairing Obamacare, rather than repealing and replacing it.
Damn! Looks like I need to correct myself. After reading this…
Still, when asked what he thinks Trump’s done well in his first 100 days in office, Boehner said he’s done well with international affairs and foreign policy. In regard to national security, international leaders are thrilled to death that Trump is aggressive about fighting ISIS and getting more boots on the ground to do so, he said.
…it’s clear that the Original Orange One is still imbibing…
Now he’s not in charge he says what he’s really thinking. Doesn’t give me any respect knowing he was fucking over the US to save his job.
Remember Boehner is the guy who distributed checks from tobacco companies in the well of the House. Even he thinks that rabid sexual predator Trump being President Putin’s dickholster, sharing national security secrets and money laundering for Russians is going too far.
We should also clarify that the source, Rigzone, is an energy sector publication (as in Oil Rig), not the K Street Journal (as in what former government officials do after they leave the public sector and go to work as Tobacco industry lobbyists)…
These Republicans tend to be much more likable once they retire. My suggestion is that they all retire and I will promise to say something nice about them…
Necessary follow-up: “Who did you vote for in 2016?”
I assume “else” refers to appointing a pro-birth judge to SCOTUS.
While Boehner is right about this, why did not he himself focused on “repairing Obamacare, rather than repealing and replacing it” as a Speaker?
Trump “did what he could” with health care, Boehner said, but he should have focused on repairing Obamacare, rather than repealing and replacing it.
Tell us again, Mr. Former Speaker, just how many REPEAL bills you brought to the House floor during your tenure?
Boehner is the Original Orange.
@woland66 - that would be a forced-birth judge, not a pro-birth judge. Every woman who is pregnant and wants to be is pro-birth.
Trump WH vetting process? The Google Machine.
I was thinking the same thing. It’s interesting how many Republicans seem to change once they retire but most Democrats don’t.
“He’s still learning how to be president.”
Not true, for two reasons:
- He is incapable of learning.
- The first item above is moot, as he already believes that he knows all there is to be known.
“I wake up every day, drink my morning vodka and OJ and say hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah,” he said.
Trump “did what he could” with health care, Boehner said, but he should
have focused on repairing Obamacare, rather than repealing and replacing it.
Dear Johnny,
Sixty-seven: The number of times you failed at repeal.
Zero: The number of times you attempted to repair, much less replace.
Trump still has 66 opportunities to prove he’s less disastrous than you.