Discussion: Bobby Jindal: Yes, I Would Use The Term 'Anchor Baby,' People Are Too Politically Correct!

Discussion for article #239600

It’s good to see that the Palin-led mainstreaming of word salad as a primary language is pretty much complete.


He does not look “happy” at all.

Unbalanced, maybe…


Because, Mr. Jindal, that is fetal tissue. Of course, as far as you and the Right are concerned, the second they’re out of the womb they aren’t even human beings…but then again, the “Pro-Life” people are little more than a bunch of theocrats who would gladly let children, babies and women die so long as their religious beliefs are maintained and the dehumanization of other humans continued.


Isn’t Jindal an anchor baby? His parents immigrated while the mother was pregnant, and they could not have become overnight citizens…


I’m going to be a happy idiot
And struggle for the legal tender
Where the ads take aim and lay their claim
To the heart and the soul of the spender

Jackson Browne



Of course, I’ve always thought that using a baby as an anchor was a bad idea. They’re not heavy enough, they float instead of sink. You’ll never get your boat to stop while using one as an anchor.


He is the quintessential anchor baby, and I believe Rubio is too. Immigrant parents had their anchor babies on American soil because the American dream is irresistible. These dolts want only to pull up the ladder


“What’s really offensive is the left refuses to say ‘babies.’ Instead they say ‘fetal tissue,’ ‘specimens,’ they are a bunch of science deniers.”

You mean, like, the research that one Dr. Ben Carson was doing, using these?

You hypocrite. You wouldn’t even be here, but for this law. Are you honestly that clueless and is the media that lame that they can’t even call him out on this?


“”"“You mean it’s not politically correct, and yet everybody uses it?”"""

Damn! Can we stop with that inane “politically correct” platitude. It’s meaningless. Anchor Babies is a pejorative for babies born in the USA from undocumented parents OF MEXICAN ORIGIN. The phrase is meant to be insulting.

So this is how Trump is going to handle the problems of America? With useless platitudes and dodging responsibility?

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Why didn’t he just say “what about Clinton”?


Wait, what?

Isn’t “bobby” an “anchor baby”? Or does he think his lily white parents (snark) came over on the mayflower?

Which would still make them illegal immigrants!!


First, Piyush supports freely flying the confederate slavery flag, seemingly oblivious to the fact that he’d likely have been lynched in those days. Now this. Can a Rhodes Scholar really not know that his very citizenship is only due to being an “anchor baby”? Whether through pure ignorance or baldfaced lies, he’s promoting the notion that he should not be allowed here.


I don’t think he evens care what he says anymore. He is a small (minded), desperate person whose behavior resembles an 11-year old trying to get into a desired social group. If Trump says it and it gets press coverage, Bobby says it: “See, I’m just like him.”


hey Piyush… trying to fit in by changing your name, claiming the Confederate battle flag as your heritage, becoming a ‘christian’ and trying to use the lingo like the ‘not cool kid’ is never going to help you…

Piyush never wears a baseball or trucker hat because they’re always out of size pinhead…


Irrelevant dickhead. Next.

That was my first thought. Would be curious to see what definition he uses to describe his own birth in relation to the conservative idea of anchor babies. What’s more surprising is that no one in the media seems to have bothered to ask him. Or does he have a different definition than the rest of these thugs?


GOP Platform 2016: fetuses are instantly deportable, never abortable.


Yes, Rubio was born in '71, his parents were naturalized in '74. Nor had they even attempted to file for citizenship before then, despite being in this country since the mid 50s.

Both of Jindal’s parents were here on student visas at the time of his birth.

But the whole concept of “anchor baby” is pretty absurd. To gain U.S. citizenship, the child has to wait until they are 21 before they can extend the offer to the parents. At that point, the parents must leave the country for 10 years before they can accept. So we are talking about a 31 year process.


Email! Benghazi!