Discussion: Bobby Jindal Calls For End To Birthright Citizenship

This guy is post pathetic. He doesn’t seem to be able to say something remotely original, he just keeps parroting “me too”, doesn’t he understand that someone without a shred of self-respect is never going to get nominated?

Brown and Oxford should recall the degrees that were given to this clown, and the Rhodes Foundation should ask for their money back.


And nothing on the topic of how to pay for it all.

And no: Mexico is not going to pay for anything.


Only the 2nd Amendment.

Says the anchor baby…

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…white noise… Well played.

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We already knew he was a republican.

So: he himself is no longer a citizen under his concept, and since the mother of his three children was born in India, his children are no longer citizens?

I think this man has a big screw loose.

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Wait what? He’s still running? I thought he left the campaign when that shooting took place in Louisiana?

Jeeze he really hasn’t gotten the message that nobody supports him, has he?

Must say that I agree with both of them and have always thought this was a weird loophole, if you will, in the 14th Amendment. What should have been done, as an amendment wasn’t really necessary, is simply bestow citizenship on all former slaves. Otherwise “accident of birth” shouldn’t automatically grant citizenship.

That being said, it’s easy to accept a fast track to citizenship for the children of Green Card holders who have been here as a family for a certain number of years.

The Wannabes newest buzz words…Birthright Citizenship.

When AngelaLansbury says ‘Solitaire’ and hands 'em a deck of Jokers…then instructs them to say
Birthright Citizenship

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Wow, the palpable desperation is just laughable. People like The Rump for his insult comic routine, not his policy opinions. And the policies change from hour to hour anyway.

He may look like Kipling’s Gunga Din…but he’s no Gunga Din.

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But seriously, have you seen the onesie?

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Ted Cruz was born in Canada.

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Retroactive to Bobby’s birthdate —

Piyush’s parents were not here as legal immigrants when he was born. They were here on student visa’s, which is a temporary visitor visa. They were legally in the United States, but to obtain the visitor visa they had to attest that they did not intend to remain permanently in the United States and did not intend to immigrate here.

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Jindal’s one of the biggest Republican morons and that’s no small feat… he must look at himself in the mirror every morning and think, “yup, I look white enough… I can be part of the Republican establishment!”

But you CAN’T, Piyush… not in a million years. The scared white guys only tolerate you… they’ll never allow your kind to threaten their status quo. Look what they did to the milquetoast, centrist Democrat we have for a President today!

The man just makes you sad. Next, he’ll be asking to advertise female hygiene products if he thinks that will make him seem like one of the girls. What a truly pathetic man!

Talk about ‘be careful what you wish for’. If he did manage to abolish it he would have to do a Mitt and self deport.

Exactly. Canadian Anchor Baby. All part of the Great White Takeover.

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