Discussion: Blumenthal: If Mueller Is Fired, I'd Lead Effort For Watergate-Style Investigation


The problem is the GOP controls almost everything and if they remain compliant the process would go nowhere. I have zero faith the GOP will act in the interests of the country.


He also said that many Republicans would join him. The delusion is strong in this one.


I honestly believe that even if Rump fires Mueller, the information he’s so desperately trying to conceal will make it way to the general public even faster.

As everyone has already said, Rump is his own worst enemy.


Go get 'em. Senator. I think it’s likely that just the threat will prevent Trump from firing Mueller. El Bufón is pretty clueless but he remembers how firing Comey worked out.
A bully threatens. When his bluff is called, he flails and cringes.
Trump is a bully.


Blumenthal must be high, or perhaps he was in suspended animation for the past ten years. If, when, Trump fires Mueller, there will be no downside for him other than liberals shaking their fists in impotent rage. Congress will never impeach him. Given this, there are virtually no checks and balances against this administration. Next up, ignoring court orders.


I guess the question is will there ever be a tipping point for Republicans? Is there anything that can be unearthed that would sway them into acting? Often times we don’t see that point until it just jumps out into the middle of the road, then it becomes clear in retrospect. Certainly hope that happens soon…and I think it will eventually.


Kushner is directly in Mueller’s sights. He’s in big trouble and he knows it. Already successfully got Comey fired. Wouldn’t be surprised if he pushes to axe Mueller.


Actually, someone said on MSNBC said earlier that the more Trump pushes back against all of this, the more dogged republicans are becoming. If they really wanted this to go nowhere, they simply wouldn’t have any hearings at all.


Let’s remember, we’re very far from a conclusion about obstruction of justice,

Sure, except the part where he admitted it on TV.


I agree that Kush appears to be one of the more vulnerable members of the herd. But even if Rump pardons him, Schneiderman, the NY AG, can always put him on the stand and if it can be proven that he’s lying to the court, he gets his father’s old jail cell.

PS: I don’t know this for a fact but I’m pretty sure that at some point, Uday and Qusay will be called up by Schneiderman to testify under oath about their NY charity dealings.


As far as the Senate hearings are concerned, weeks ago, one of the Republican Senators pushed things along procedurally and demanded the tax returns.
Hint: She’s one of the “bad people”.


You’re an FBI agent, entering a home, with a legally executed warrant to look in someone’s closet. After allowing entry and reviewing the warrant the owner points a gun at the agent and says “I wouldn’t look in that closet if you know what’s good for you.”

How in the hell is that scenario appreciably any different than what Trump is doing?


Even pardoning everyone would be considered more obstruction.


As discussed elsewhere, many of the alleged crimes, as described by some accounts, violate various State banking and securities laws, etc. Doubtless Presidential pardons still leave some people at risk of State prosecutions.


And there are others who claim that the Congressional GOP still considers the whole mess to be partisan bitching.
“At worst, they seemed to believe Team Trump’s collusion amounted to a “conspiracy of dunces” (as a recent Ross Douthat column termed it)—embarrassing and unseemly, sure, but certainly not so grave as to demand blowing up the entire GOP agenda to address it.”


They can stick to that right to the bitter end, and then BOOM! The indictments come down.

More fools, they.


Are you suggesting Blumenthal (and others) remain silent?

Yep. I see that as well. However,…

AFAIC, the key words in that para are “the entire GOP agenda.” That does not appear to be going anywhere. The whole reason Rump is in the WH in the first place was to make that agenda happen and sign the legislation. So far, none of that has happened yet. And the longer that sh*t comes out, the more that agenda is really behind the 8 ball.

I think that we’ll look back on this period as the beginning of the end. For “what” specifically, I’m not sure but it feels like things are starting to pick up speed making me think that the Fall will be reasonably unpleasant.


Unless Trump pardons them as well.