Discussion: Blue States Form Climate Alliance After Trump Withdraws From Paris Pact

It’s longer than a postcard and it doesn’t have his name in every paragraph.

Of course he didn’t read it.

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The American population at large (80.7% as of 2010) is IN the cities.

How much more of a supermajority do you want?

Believe it or not, there are many “devout” people who believe none of those things. Some are Christian; others belong to other traditions. Hold a mirror up to your stereotypes, please.


Interesting how Republicans play this issue to broaden Federal power.

We don’t need the Federal government. Trump is irrelevant.

I doubt it. Honestly, given his (lack of) attention span, I think this is the last we’ll hear of this. Nobody is going to negotiate with him on this and he just doesn’t really give a shit. He’s “made America great again” and he’s showed all of those furriners that he can’t be bullied and so it’s “mission accomplished.”

No you don’t. You make an end run around the argument by talking instead about renewable energy and energy efficient factories, homes, appliances, and cars. “We can save you money and we can create millions of jobs” is a pretty compelling argument. That it also helps with climate change is icing on the cake and doesn’t need to be the primary message.

Blue is the new green!

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We had Kyoto and the Paris ‘agreement’ now we’ve got, the Blue Wall, how apropos.

I wanted to smack the orange liar when he had the gall to tell the Pope he would read his Encyclical on climate change and the other material presented to him. He probably never even opened any of those gifts.


This country has pretty much been centrist my whole life. Sometimes the population leans a little left, sometimes a little right. This is what irritated me so much about the Bernie believers. While we might like a lot of socialist ideas a lot of people don’t. They don’t want Big Government.

Oregon along with BC is part of the Pacific Coast Collaborative on fighting climate change…

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He’s said Mass. is joining:

It’s already divided and those of us in the majority are paying the price of the minority who elected that uneducated, incurious, stupid, selfish, and hateful man.

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Additional Californian: @rxbusa.

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How about some of the leaders of these countries, loved ones, are poisoned while eating in a public restaurant? Putin does this now to his enemies. Putin is Trumps retainee.

I am no “leftie” (rather, a passionate centrist, if there can be such a thing) and I have been joking about secession since the Iraq War. For I time I was encouraged by talk in Texas that they might succeed. I heartily approved, and hoped that they might take Alabama, MS, and a few others with them. But now that the Confederacy (of Dunces?) has conquered DC I am not really joking any more.

It takes two to divorce and the initiative can come from either party. (I have personal experience with divorce and know that while it is difficult and unpleasant, especially when there are children in the picture, ultimately it is far better for everyone.)
The metaphor of course breaks down since there is no arbiter like a court, but it is hard not to wish that the trump cultists be given their own county to screw up, leaving the rest of us to enter the 21st century. We would have a population exchange (hopefully less violent than, say India’s in the 40s) as there are many thoughtful and civic-minded people in trumpland and many racist bigots in blue country. We could have enclaves like West Berlin in places like Austin, Denver, and even Chicago. Then my grand-daughter (just turned 10) would not have to deal with troglodytes who think there were dinosaurs on the Ark as fellow citizens and after 20-30 years Mexico might annex the pitiful remains (nah! they are too smart for that).

I saw a Weather Channel video that’s being highlighted online this morning which reported that when that chunk of ice breaks off from the ice shelf in Antarctica, sea levels could rise by four inches.

Hurricane season is just around the corner.

Hey, all you southern states: attention must be paid.

Bad news about the lack of leadership at FEMA. NOAA should be okay as long as it keeps most of its staff.

And it will bring jaysus™ back!

So how did Hilary get 3 million more votes than Trump?

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I plan to avoid visiting any of the states that support withdrawal. They wanted to make an economic decision – let them factor the lack of support by blue staters into their equation. Now, unfortunately, my grandchildren live in Alabama and my ex, to whom I’m still close, lives in Wyoming.

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