That’s really a shame about the size of his penis.
Overlooked by the reporter, in small print under the bold large font message:
"I am Governor Paul LePage and I approve this message."
I stopped last week at a diner deep in the Maine woods where I’ve been going once a summer for many years. A hand-printed sign in the door said “ThiS is NOT a GUn frEE Zone”. I never would have guessed that the half-dozen ordinary-looking patrons were packing. But it was a comforting thought, you know, in case any bad guys came in, with guns. Anyhow (as Trump would articulate it) something is going on in Maine. I think that it’s simple: Angry fascist racists like LaPage call forth enraged extremism. They’re more than divisive, they’re dementing.
Poor progressives. Wrong talking points. Don’t you just hate that?