Discussion for article #223202
“A native of New York, Innis has lived in Nevada since the end of 2007. He has been very active in politics, including in 2012. He supported Herman Cain’s presidential bid until the conservative Republican dropped out of the race. Then Innis backed the eventual GOP nominee, Mitt Romney, who lost badly to President Barack Obama, in Nevada.”
Never underestimate the art of breaking bread together with pigs. There is something in it for all. Niger Innis, a TP favorite of Sheldon Adelson and son of Roy Innis is the latest apologist for Bundy.
It’s not Nevada’s land, It’s the Federal Government’s land which makes it all our land.
“Cliven Bundy is not racist at all”, Donald Sterling loves black people.
Because it’s not racist if you can pay find a black guy who’ll say it isn’t.
Lucrative work if you have the stomach for it.
How far will he stoop to get elected?
The federal government doesn’t have too much control over Nevada’s land, they OWN the land. That’s what “public” means.
“…I don’t consider Cliven or his wonderful family racist at all. Period, end of story…But then again, I’m one hell of a cotton picker, so how can he not like me?”
It is so sad to see this man grovel to try to win an election. Bundy’s district must be filled with old white racist men just like Bundy. For this man who is an AA to say Bundy is not racist is the same as a woman who has been called sexist names or worse by someone as defending that person as saying they are not being sexist at all.
He’s a true believer, not a stooper. Check out his Wikipedia article.
During an Independent American Party event…
During a John Birch Society 2.0 event…
Fixed it for you.
It’s true. Sterling loves the blacks, he thinks everyone should own one.
Why is it that minorities inside the GOP can’t quite understand that they’re helping embolden the people who want them to be considered second class citizens?
Folks this represents the epitome of" The apple doesn’t fall from from the tree"i.e His Father Roy
Given that you confused the candidate with Roger Innis, may I presume that this dude has no affiliation with CORE?
Niger, please!
The depths one must sink to being a Republican. Sorry son, your skin color will always be an issue within the group of Cretins you wish to affiliate.
Of course, none of us can imagine that he has received any campaign donations from Cliven, either.
Bundy is probably 20 years in arrears on his promised donations, too.
From Wikipedia:
…Recently, on same sex marriage and black health in the U.S.: “When you say to society at large that you have to accept, not only accept our lifestyle, but promote it and put it on the same plane and equate it with traditional marriage, that’s where we draw the line and we say ‘no.’ That’s not something that is a civil right. That is not something that is a human right”, said Niger Innis, national spokesman for CORE, and son of Roy Innis.
Additionally, CORE has been accused of being a hired front for corporate interests… The group has taken money from the payday-lending industry, chemical giant (and original DDT manufacturer) Monsanto, and ExxonMobil. In his book, Not A Conspiracy Theory: How Business Propaganda Hijacks Democracy, Donald Gutstein wrote that “In recent years CORE used its African-American facade to work with conservative groups to attack organizations like Greenpeace and undermine environmental regulation. It’s fair to say that CORE was for sale to anyone with a need for visible black cheerleaders in its campaign.”
According to an interview given by James Farmer in 1993, “CORE has no functioning chapters; it holds no conventions, no elections, no meetings, sets no policies, has no social programs and does no fund-raising. In my opinion, CORE is fraudulent.”
As a life long New Yorker I’ve seen Innis’ tomfoolery. They turned a fine respected civil rights organization, CORE into a joke and hollow shell of itself. James Farmer must be spinning. Niger and his dad have supported some of the worst despots in the world from Idi Amin to Jonas Savimbi. Roy lost two sons to gun violence on the streets on NY yet he sits on the board of the NRA. How these folks live with themselves is beyond me.