Discussion: Black GA Couple Uses Housing Law To Sue Neighbor Over Racist Slurs, Threats

Discussion for article #240162

This is outrageous. And, as usual, if we reverse the skin color of the two parties, shall we wonder how differently this might have ended?


Just stunning and potentially very dangerous for the parents and children. They are obviously dealing with someone who is mentally unhinged and could escalate his behaviors to lethal levels. I have nothing but sympathy for the family: Swallow hard, give up and move or stay and do battle with the insane creep who evidently listens to no one other than the racist and crazy voices in his brain sick head.
I wish them happiness and safety in their home and success in their legal attempts at some remedy.

And…give him the topiary approach:


Agree, and when the police found the need to use stun weapons on the man something other than a slap was warranted. Seems the DA good-ol-boy was working overtime in this case which means the taxpayers of the community will be footing the bill. Yea, yea the community has insurance to cover but does anyone believe the rates will not skyrocket as a result.


So… the aggressive, threatening, and mentally handicapped neighbor still got to keep his gun(s)?


“I said ‘porch monkey,’” he said with a chuckle. “That’s just a joking-around term.”

No, you halfwit moron. It’s not a joking term. It’s a very offensive, racist term.


You know, it’s too bad there isn’t any effective Rx medication for people like Roy Turner – it could be called “Tolerantax” or “Crackergon”. Maybe Glaxo-Smith-Kline or Pfizer can get on it.

P.S. I thought about “Wite-Out” but realized that was taken.


This kind of thing is gonna happen when you close all the insane asylums.


…and the prisons are overcrowded.


Thank you President Reagan. /s


And here’s how Fox reports it: “Nightmare next door: Black couple uses fair housing law to sue city, white neighbor over slurs.” Selectively edited to leave out little things like rifles and baseball bats. “Fair and balanced”? I think not.



This is so awful. Bad enough the parents were threatened and insulted but I especially hate that children were exposed to such horrible behavior. The man is a danger.

It may be the brain injury has made him more aggressive and nasty. If it has, that man can clearly not live on his own. However, I don’t think a brain injury makes a person a racist.

I hope they win the lawsuit.


Well, granted, it’s a joking around term when none of them porch monkeys, yard apes, jungle bunnies, jigs, nigs, or others like them are around. Absolutely hilarious.

“I said ‘porch monkey,’” he said with a chuckle. “That’s just a joking-around term.”

Ain’t funny. Never was. Never will be.

Turner was in a car crash in the 1970s that left him with a traumatic brain injury that caused mental impairment and altered his behavior, said Dunagan, the mayor, who grew up with Turner and said he never knew him to be violent. A group of friends watches out for Turner …

I notice he failed to mention that he never knew Turner to be racist. Also, birds of a feather and all that.


This guy threatened them verbally and with a loaded rifle. More and more the news is
telling us that the mentally ill are living among us without effective treatment, locked and loaded and
ready to act when they get upset.


For Freeeeeeeeeedumb!


Bwaks just don’t unnersan white people.

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You hit the nail on the head. As the brother of a paranoid schizophrenic, I have seen first hand how inadequate mental health care in the country has been, and it’s getting worse. The mentally ill are given a prescription and turned out on the street until someone gets hurt. Then they are held fully responsible for their actions and sent to prison. Iowa Governor Branstad has an initiative to improve mental health care by closing the care facilities and cutting funding. More than half the prisoners in the state now are mentally ill.


Sounds like the “nightmare” referred to in that article is the lawsuit.

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This is a sad story for all partys.

I hope the Bonds get a very nice settlement from the city for suffering harassment, gun threats, public embarrassment and the financial costs associated with buying and then selling a home under duress.

Turner’s brain trauma which severely impairs his judgement and self-control, among other effects, is a life-long punishment. Does he live alone or with a companion who helps his daily management? If he lives alone, would he and his neighbors be better served placing him in a monitored group home, which could limit his drinking and take away his gun? That much of his time is structured by gainful employment benefits both Turner and those he must live among, so I hope he remains employable after this suit. He’s unpleasant, he may be a heavy burden, but he is still our brother.