Discussion: Black Caucus Chair 'Utterly Disgusted' With Trump Handling Of Race Relations


~Clapping~ Virtual standing ovation for Congressman Richmond.


Talk about understatement!


This needs to be the story in the news cycle today. Along with repetition of the delays in getting help to Puerto Rico.

Big Donny spent all weekend focused on the NFL and ignored Puerto Rico until Tuesday, after he caught on that they might be Americans.

But, in the quote is the tell . . .
“Almost everything you have done and said on the topic of race or on issues that implicate race demonstrate a shocking lack of knowledge for an adult public official in the 21st century,”

The assumption we are dealing with an adult is the critical problem.

We are better than this.



well, just a bit more than 3 years left …

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Terrifying thought is that any republican candidate will now be judged by whether they’re as utterly horrific as trump. Evil but not a foreign agent? OK. Corrupt but not jaw-droppingly stupid? Just fine. Sexual predator but not from the east coast? No problem.


Unfortunately, and as true as what Congressman Richmond says, this will not put a dent in Trump or any Republican. They will use it as fund raising material, and claim the Congressional Black Caucus is being divisive and not sufficiently “respectful” of the President and his supporters.


Just playing the devil’s advocate here, i think T rump has greatly increased the voices and presence of the KKK, the neo-Nazi’s, and the entire white-supremacy movement in the US since he took office.


Darlin you don’t have to play devil’s advocate to post facts.


Point noted. I was playing the devil’s advocate because from DDD’s POV, he probably thinks he’s doing wonderfully on race relations for all the reasons i listed.

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He has had that affect. How often have we seen tiki torch neo-Nazi and KKK parades here in these latter years?

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Only since he’s been in office that i can recall.

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The GOP base is stewed, poached, and deep-fried in racism.

It’s who they are.

It’s their highest, most-important, unifying principle.

Ordained, blessed, and forever consecrated by their god-man and graven idol for all eternity, Ronald Reagan:

“If an individual wants to discriminate against Negroes or others in selling or renting his house, it is his right to do so.”
“[Food stamps helped] some strapping young buck ahead of you to buy a T-bone steak [while] you were waiting in line to buy hamburger.”
“[One] Chicago welfare queen [has] eighty names, thirty addresses, [and] twelve Social Security cards [and] is collecting veteran’s benefits on four non-existing deceased husbands. She’s got Medicaid, getting food stamps, and she is collecting welfare under each of her names. Her tax-free cash income is over $150,000.”

Trump is just the latest to scramble up the greasy pole.

In a never-ending competition to feed the GOP base’s unquenchable addiction to race porn.


And this is partly why I have come up with the perfect and I do mean perfect, evil plan to drive them insane - we should keep electing African American presidents - one after the other.

I say Corey Booker is our next president and after that an African American woman.


I hope Congressman Richmond understands that his sternly-worded letter is headed right for the “round file.” That is if Trump can even read it…assumes facts not in evidence.


Nah, Booker is a Wall St and Pharma subsidiary.

Kamala Harris POTUS
Gillibrand VPOTUS
Duckworth - VA
Auntie Maxine - HUD
Cecile Richards - HHS


O you aren’t going to vote for any Democratic candidate because none of them is pure or perfect.


first of all, you don’t know me…so don’t pile me in with the Greens, Bernie Bros or other splitters.
I’m a rock-ribbed D…don’t play that &*^% with me.
I come from a family of New Dealers, Union Members and Entrepreneurs who are happy to pay taxes.
I’ve voted in every election in the D primary, right down to school board elections with 5% participation.
And NEVER 3rd party.
In 1984, I traveled 300 miles roundtrip to vote for Mondale in NYC.
I spent a week in August 2016 registering voters in Charlottesville, at my own expense, often in hostile turf.

In a general election, Booker absolutely gets my vote.
In a primary election, I’ll consider the alternatives to a candidate who takes Wall St and Big Pharma money, has great PR and votes (occasionally on big issues.) against the interests of the rest of us.


The fact that he called out “adult” explicitly speaks volumes. Usually you can just assume it.


How bizarre and unfortunate that he needed to add “adult” to that sentence.