Discussion: Bipartisan Governors Group Urges More Time For O'Care Repeal Debate

Ask your GOP Senator’s where they want their Bitcoin payments sent, and how much, then maybe it will happen?

No time, no time! McConnell is the fastest little turtle that could (mug the poor for their health insurance).

Ultimately, it’s governors who will have to deal with the fallout from this atrocity. Senators can always pull a Pat Roberts ® who rarely goes back to KS and when he does, it’s to sleep on someone’s couch.


Who knew undoing all the good deeds and work of a black man would cause such angst?


This bill is barbarous in its cruelty. I can’t think of any law passed in modern times that comes close to this in it’s heartlessness. One would have to go back to Andrew Jackson and his killing off of Native American tribes, or maybe the internment of Japanese Americans in WW2.
I find myself reaching for words and analogies. Genocide is as close as i can come.

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Just think, only another 43 to 91 more months of the same or worse. Once SCOTUS is firmly in Republican hands and all the vacant Federal judicial seats elsewhere are filled by Trump there will be nothing to stop the rubber stamping of all manner of atrocities. Coat hangers will be back in vogue. Gays back in the closet. Blacks shut out from the voting booth. Jesus rode a dinosaur taught in public schools (if there are any public schools). 200 yard visibility in cities on a smoggy day. Workplace safety rules gutted. Women back ten paces behind their man, as God intended.

Yep, back to the mis-named Gilded Age.

[quote=“steviedee111, post:6, topic:58100, full:true”]
Who knew undoing all the good deeds and work of a black man would cause such angst?
[/quote]You’d think that everyone would be happy to remove one more barrier to get out from under his oppression.

Genocide for profit, making it even more diabolical.

The Tortuga McConnell already knew about the time required for debate and to actually assess the affects of the law.

That’s exactly why he hid it for so long, it fails under the mildest scrutiny.

If the Republicans don’t like the lack of transparency and the fact that the entire bill is godawful, they have the option to vote against it.
Eeeezy Peeezy.