Discussion: Bill O'Reilly's Next 'Killing' Book Set For September Release

Can’t wait for, “Killing this Series of Stupid Books”.


That’s great, Billo. When can we expect “Killing My Multimillion Dollar Career”?


How about “Killing right wing vampires so they stay dead”. I would buy that book.

How about “Killing Brain Cells - FOX News” for a title of a book in this series?

Who knew there were so few assassinated individuals that he’d have to focus on groups already?

must we?

Killing Mendacity

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I cannot even begin to imagine the historical inaccuracies in this upcoming literary masterpiece. He probably gets the FoxNews fact checking and research teams to gather all of his info for his books, which means that Billo will come to the conclusion that the SS was formed by Hillary Clinton and John Podesta in the basement of a pizza parlor in Washington, D.C.
But I cannot wait for the next two Billo books: “Killing Falafel” and “Killing Loofahs”.

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Who the hell is Bill O’Reilly? Never heard of it.

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Damn beat me to it. Was going to ask, Bill Who?

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It belongs here, because fuck that regressive has-been loofa-clutching sexual predator.

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SS my ass. The title is ‘Killing My Career.’

I like how Billo holds himself out as an expert on the Nazis when he can’t even get something like the Malmedy massacre durring the Battle of the Bulge right.