Discussion for article #223362
JFC, a moran knows that.
And c’mon TPM, the lede makes it sound like Ramos favors Republicans, sheesh.
Billo-- a lesion in his own mind--------believes the BS he peddles.
“Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa,” O’Reilly said. “Have you ever seen me do a softball interview with anybody?” Ramos said he had indeed seen O'Reilly conduct tough interviews, but he added that he's also seen O'Reilly "supporting more Republicans than Democrats." O'Reilly said that might be true "editorially," but "never in an interview."
Ohhhhhhh, I can just HEAR Jon Stewart on Monday night:
STEWART: “(Laughing) No, no, no, no, NO! Bill O’Reilly supporting Republicans?! That’s just crazy talk!! I mean, it’s not like there’s any documented inst-ROLL TWO-TWELVE!”
I read this 3 times, did not read that Ramos “favors Republicans”.
Maybe a bad headline?
If Ramos were or Cuban ancestry, maybe he could be GOP leaning.
That lede does need work. I came into this article thinking the same thing.
It’s changed now.
Same here, I thought the article was about O’Reilly being stunned to learn that Ramos was a republican.
Shirley O’Reilly doesn’t think that he has people fooled into believing that he is fair and balanced. Well, on second thought I suppose his fellow fox curmudgeons buy it.
In other breaking news, Bill O’Reilly has stated emphatically that he is not, in fact, a flaming asshole, despite ample evidence to the contrary.
Does Bill really think we are all that fucking stupid? Seriously? He’s an anchor for the LEAST CREDIBLE and MOST BLATANTLY BIASED network on TV. Nobody is confused about this except YOU you fucking stupid ass!!!
The bubble these dipshits live in is made of dark, impenetrable stupidity.
So I guy who favors Democrats is calling out a guy for not supporting Democrats enough.
The only person fooled by O’Reilly’s protestations is Billo himself.
Wave your arms, look big, pick up small children and pets, throw sticks and rocks near but not at Papa Bear.
My recollection of O’Reilly’s interview with W. was that it WAS softball – but O’Reilly couldn’t help himself, and frequently interrupted his buddy, 43, in order to preen and demonstrate his control of the interview.
BTW, the median age of O’Reilly’s audience is now up to 72.1 years old.
Gotta remember, with Fox and Billo groupies, the extreme bias is either unperceived or ignored.
I never did a count, but I’d bet 80% of the public TVs in restaurants, bars and waiting rooms in my GOP district are set to a Fox channel.
We have a large population of Angry Old White People.
They just love Rush, Hannity, Billo.
These entertainers give legitimacy to their world views.
Best thing for a flaming asshole is a vibe and a soothing falafal.
Originally the lede read “Bill O’Reilly stunned when George Ramos claims he favors Republicans.”
It was changed within a few minutes of being posted.
Anyone who punches that lying gas bag in the mouth is a-okay.