Discussion for article #242619
The hack of all hacks proves once again that “Even a stopped clock is right once a day.”
This story doesn’t even require a “comments” page. Are there actual words to describe how funny this is?
I love it when these guys tell the truth about each other.
oh let them settle it like the macho gritty testosterone fueled faux men that they are - dueling cocktail swizzle sticks and open hand slaps.
I believe O’Reilly. After all, everyone knows he was right there, pushing Reagan into the vehicle when the shooting went down.
So Reagan’s 11th Commandment (Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican) is tossed out the window, and the party is beginning to devour itself.
Will is a Reagan worshiper. O’Reilly is an O’Reilly worshiper trying to make some jack off a pet thesis about Reagan. Sparks are bound to fly. Of course, both are hacks, but who cares. This is fun.
Also, trauma causes Alzheimer’s?
Will disagreed, accusing O’Reilly of “extreme recklessness.”
The book “is doing the work of the left," he said, “which knows in order to discredit conservatism it must destroy Reagan’s reputation as the president.”
WIll makes the argument that what passes for history must be in synch with current conservative dogma. That makes for quite an intellectual blind spot.
This is a religious disagreement.
“The book “is doing the work of the left [the Devil],” he said, “which knows in order to discredit conservatism [Christianity] it must destroy Reagan’s [Jesus’] reputation as the president [whatever].”
Pot, meet Kettle.
Geez. Republicans looking like whiny babies complaining about the mean media and tough debate questions, GHWB criticizing Cheney, Rumsfeld, the other neocons and his son, and Fox hacks attacking each other all in the space of a few days. Popcorn futures through the roof!
The Republican Party bubble is splitting at the seams. KABOOM!
Couldn’t happen to a worse bunch of creeps.
The book “is doing the work of the left," he said, “which knows in order to discredit conservatism it must destroy Reagan’s reputation as the president.”
Gentlemen, there isn’t a progressive on this planet who could do as fine a job of destroying the Republican brand as your people have done.
Exactly right.
The funny thing about this to me is that the “left” doesn’t really care about Reagan as an icon and has no belief in anything Bill O’Reilly writes. Between those two things, the left gets nothing from this book except the joy of watching the right fight with itself over who is the more pure.
We already know Reagan was nothing like the hagiographic treatment he gets, and that if he were one of the two dozen candidates currently running for the GOP nod he’d be to the left of everyone there, called a RINO and dismissed as a fake conservative. He increased Social Security taxes, expanded Medicare/Medicaid, negotiated SALT II with the Soviet Union, gave amnesty to illegal immigrants, and presided over a significant recession.
Talked a good game, though.
Into the Thunderdome with both of them.
Seriously, to find a work more thoroughly discredited than this one you’d be getting into stuff about UFOs and Sasquatches and so forth. I can’t remember seeing such contempt heaped on an actual biography of a person known to exist. Their own fact-checker quit in disgust at the distortions they were putting out. Will, who seems to still regard himself as having some remnant of dignity left, didn’t have much choice.
Nah. One of them would leave. I say dust off and nuke them from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.