Discussion for article #245705
I refuse to continue to support people like Bill Moyers who insist on using TPM to write favourable articles about Ted Cruz to be read by the Republican Base.
his fans voted him MVP, and the NHL brass had to hand him the gold, a million dollars in prize money.
Minor error – the NHL handed him around $90k, his share of the million dollars they gave to the winning team.
Amounted to around a 13% bonus, or more if his demotion to the AHL meant a change in his contract terms. (I don’t know if NHL contracts are guaranteed.)
A more troubling and accurate quote about Cruz’s becoming “team captain” of the Evangelicals is from Voltaire; “If you can get them to believe absurdities you can get them to commit atrocities”.
Dangoodbar: A more troubling and accurate quote about Cruz’s becoming “team captain” of the Evangelicals is from Voltaire; “If you can get them to believe absurdities you can get them to commit atrocities”.
excellent quote, and imo opinion, accurate as hell. trump included. dangerous ideas spread to nodding dolts who are easily manipulated. worked in fascist germany. more people need to vocally stand up and repudiate this hateful crap. show some guts.
But mark me well; Religion is my name; An angel once, but now a fury grown, Too often talk’d of, but too little known
Oh… If this were only true of Ted… We may know how to deal with it ----
But alas … I believe Ted is worse —
Anyone interested in a really good hockey movie that’s also really funny, watch “Goon”. It wasn’t in wide release at the time it came out so I had never heard of it. Someone here recommended it to me over a year ago on these very threads.
there’s more than that he got wrong about the Scott matter. But I look forward to when Wysh and Ryan Lambert get into trouble again.
he prolly got that 90k with no strings. Folks gotta remember how he got demoted to St John’s in the first place.
This is snark, isn’t it? Either that or you misunderstood the whole thrust of the article and are unfamiliar with Bill Moyers himself. I prefer to believe, especially coming from you, that it is snark, but these days ya never can be sure!
of course snark
Sorry, no official video…
It’s snark
It IS snark.
But it is also a proclamation and re-affirmation that, whatever is associated with the Right (lack of compassion, cheating, bigotry, xenophobia, male chauvinism, racism, hatred, dangerous behaviour with firearms, intent to disenfranchise people…etc etc.)…
There never seems to be anything remotely connected with shame, sorrow, introspection or accountability.
The fine article by Bill Moyers—if it is read at all by Baggers and RWNJ’s–will not penetrate or influence or embarrass the Right Wing.
So, in that sense, Cruz supporters are perfectly happy with whatever Moyers writes.
We had to look at Cruz’s punchable face? We couldn’t have had a picture of nice, goofy John Scott instead?
Actually, teenage Cruz didn’t aspire to be President, but to world domination, two distinctly different life goals.
“Other than that, uh, take over the world. World domination. You know, rule everything. Rich, powerful. That sort of stuff.”
Methinks that Cruz is a Canadian that couldn’t slap a puck with his two right feet and a couple of handlers. He’s a pussy that would dive the first time that he saw a cross check coming at him.
I’d highstick him just to watch the slime pour out.
Cruz would get two minutes in the box for having a punchable face and a game misconduct for being a smarmy a-hole.
No, Cruz is a politician because he has no other skills, or lips.
While I can’t claim to speak for all of SomethingAwful.com, none of the Goons I know (myself included) want anything to do with Ted Cruz. Even our scam artists find him repulsive. The man’s got no style.