Discussion: Bill Maher's New Clique: Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Mike Huckabee

Discussion for article #229681

I’m so tired of this. Not all liberals are “pillorying” Maher.


The headline seems to imply we should be chastising Bill Maher for having supporters on the right.

I think we should actually be worried that the right is making coherent, accurate points about freedom of speech.


Religion, the instigator and codified apologia for brutality and murder since the beginning of recorded history. But hey, let’s not say that, or else…


Macht nichts (or, mox nix for you conservatives)…
In the great steaming bowl of corporate cable mashed potatoes one clump of starchy carb looks just like any other.

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The fact that Orally, Insannity and Huckafuck are defending Maher doesn’t make them “allies” of Maher. Defenders, yes, but not allies. Doubtful, other than all disliking the President, you could find any other areas of mutual concern and action.


Maher dislikes the President?

Hmmm, that must be the reason he donated $1M to his campaign to be re-elected.


Maher is right - Islam is the only religion that believes non-believers must be converted or killed. There can be no compromise or acceptance of anything less that Sharia law. To equate Christianity today with Islam is ridiculous. That’s not to say we should disrespect the culture of Islam or the many achievements of Islamic civilizations which were much more advanced that Europeans at that time. But we have to be realistic.

For anyone who does not agree, see the 60 MInutes piece about the radical Islamists in London last night. They believe in one thing - destroying all Western democracy and converting everyone to Islam… or killing us. It was quite chilling when they went around London asking people not to drink or later when footage was aired of them berating a woman or jeering at a gay man. 100% unacceptable. The interviewer - a woman - could barely believe how extreme they were.

Sorry, I hate all religions but Islam has no peer in its ruthlessness.


I love how “Islam believes this” and “Islam believes that” but when we talk about Christianity we are then required to drill down into the highly varied belief systems held by its diverse adherents, and are cautioned against making unfair blanket statements.

Pretty much par for the course.


The Old Testament believes in killing too


Oh, please. People have been brutal murderers with and without religion. All we need to do is look at communists and their state-mandated atheism to see that brutality isn’t caused by religion. Just ask North Koreans if religion is to blame for instigating brutality in their country.

Seriously, you just made yourself look like a fool by repeating that nonsense. There are good and bad people in this world, and you have to judge them by what they themselves have done; not what group they’re in. Yes, people have done many bad things in the name of religion, but they’ve done many good things as well. Religion isn’t to blame. The individuals are.


And yet…the Old Testament repeatedly says that non-believers should be converted or killed. How did you not know that?

And sure, there are radical Muslims who want to take over the world for Islam. Just as there are radical Christians who want to take over the world for Jesus. And their are radical leftists who want to end capitalism and make the world the way they want it and radical righties who want to end socialism and make the world the way they want it. What’s the point, when all of these people are a tiny minority that will never get what they want?

After all, if Islam was to blame for radical Muslims, then why are the vast majority of Muslims not radical? Because, duh, Islam didn’t make these people radical. Rather, radical people latched on to Islam. And well…there are crazy people in every group and that’s no reason to demonize the entire group unless they’re all crazy.


How can one be a racist when criticizing religious belief(s)?

Remember that Bill Maher is in this for the money. In the end his schtick serves the same purpose as Limbaugh’s - to get paid.

When in doubt, use the guilt by association card.

Because you just made it up. Not only does most of the Old Testament NOT threaten death or conversion, it is positively against conversion!

BTW, although I’ve only known 20-something Muslims in the US, all but one of them wants an exception to the First Amendment, prohibiting speech against Mohammed. (The one who didn’t want such an exception defected from Iran to the US.)

At various times in its history, practitioners of Christianity instituted brutal regimes of torture and genocide, all in the name of their God, sanctioned at the highest levels of the Church - crusades, the Inquisition, witch-burning, massacres of Native Americans, non-Christians and even those who belonged to the wrong Christian sect.

Today’s Christian terrorists are not the mainstream, but neither are the Islamist terrorists. To blame bad behavior on a religion is missing the point entirely. Some people are just intolerant, stupid and cruel. They use religion as an excuse to kill.

Polls show that over half of Pakistani Muslims believe that people who leave the faith should be killed. I have heard (but can’t quote from memory) other disturbing statistics regarding images of Mohammad and blasphemy that indicate a big part of the problem. Unique to Islam amongst major world religions, there is passive support by a large subset of the group for the beliefs of the most radical, and that’s one way in which the cancer metastasizes.

The Muslim community could be doing much more to eradicate their radicals than they are. That’s despite the bravery of a number of Muslims who speak out at risk to their lives.

[quote=“DoctorBiobrain, post:11, topic:12594, full:true”]
Oh, please.[/quote]

Oh please yourself.

Strawman alert.

Hardly, but please make sure you kill every straw in that man.

Thank you Captain obvious. Did you know that water is also wet?

And in other threads over the years I have acknowledged that as well. MLK and Ghandi being but two that usually come to mind the quickest. But it is also 100% not relevant to my statement which did not in any way suggest otherwise.

Apologist puts forward a worthless apologia … news at 11.

And no true Scotsman were harmed in that statement.

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What is TPM’s obsession with Bill Maher’s every action or utterance? What is he paying you? Who is sleeping with him?