Discussion for article #234058
Yes, and this is why FOX News loves him…he is a blatant liar…just what Roger Ailes needs to perpetuate his hatred of all things American.
According to Mitt Romney and other conservative intellectuals, it is okay to lie, steal and hate as long as you are doing it for your family, on your tax returns, for your religion or to make money.
And panelist Ms Wood said that until O’Reilly confirms that his own tales are false, it is a “gray area”.
"called on the media "
That’s what it’s going to take.
The resaon the press doesn’t go after him is the same reason it doesn’t go after that old guy sitting on the park bench feeding the pigeons and bitching about the Rockefellers ruining his life.
O’Reilly is a mildly interesting manifestation in this countrty. Long before, guys like O’Reiily used to be found at the Thankgiving table complaining that the country is going to hell in s handbasket. Now we are putting them on TV.
Also, it’s silly to equate O’Reilly with ACTUAL journalists. His cable numbers may be good but if you compare him to the number of people who watch news on the major networks, his numbers are infinitesimal. I agree that O’Reilly should be mocked every day of his cranky life amd I do. But comparing him equally with Williams is like killing a mosquito with an aircraft carrier.
Ha! Because if BIllo admits to lying, we’d believe him?
yes cluster faux ooze is entertainment …like its entertaining to see some nitwit take a hammer and hit himself in the head several times…or faux ooze personalities…thats the only explination I can come up
ehhh. none of this is a revelation about oreilly… but what is confirmed are the rather questionable standards at the heritage foundation of what constitutes ‘truth’… i guess as long as i don’t cop to not being angelina jolie, my claim to being angelina jolie stands.
Good for him. I’m tried of these right-wing creeps getting away with shit that a liberal would be crucified for. Remember Limbaugh, a couple of drug arrests (including sending his maid out to score his Oxy), or O’Reilly and his sexual harassment of a young female producer and having to pay her off. But here they are, still employed, still spewing their lies and hatreds to the right-wingers who profess outrage at Brian Williams or Bill Clinton.
No one, and I mean no one, has ever accused Faux and Republicans of not being hypocrites. They are so quick to point the finger–but never at themselves. What sleazy low-life scum Republicans have become.
Hopefully, the pile on continues. Oreilly deserves it if anyone does. If he survives its almost a good thing, Faux will be represented by the #1 liar in all cable news. The undisputed king of bald-faced lying fronting for the undeniably #1 make-believe news station.
Its sort of nice to just admit it and leave no doubts.
Ow! My balls!
C’mon, all’s fair in loofan war.
Too bad the media doesn’t call out the bloviator O’Liely.
That astounded me to hear her say basically that because O’Reilly says there is no proof that he lied, there is nothing to address – the rest of the world needs to wait till the liar himself admits his transgressions and then we can all say he should be ashamed. Having actual proof is not reason, apparently, for anyone to call him a liar. What a sickening bunch of pundits we have floating around our airwaves.
O’Reilly is the biggest BS artist on FOX when it comes to his experiences (Hannity is more about making stuff up about other people). But it’s a talk show, and his audience are simpletons.
Brian Williams is a news anchor of one of the most popular news shows (watched by far more people than O’Reilly), and he was noted for being trustworthy and totally honest. O’Reilly is known to be a BS artist, and as an opinion show he is technically allowed to make stuff up.
So there is a difference. Oh, O’Reilly told FAR taller tales than Williams. He did not exaggerate, he made stuff up to the point of just stupid. And Williams actually put himself in more dangerous situations than wimp O’Reilly. But that makes it all the more puzzling why he had to embellish. The guy WAS in a war zone, and could easily have been shot down.
The one thing that puzzles me most is that O’Reilly, when on Inside Edition, did a piece on how the CIA killed JFK. How come THAT has not received more press. It’s free viewing on youtube. I would have thought Maher would bring that up. Shouldn’t the FOX audience know that Bill was a conspiracy nut when it was convenient to make money? Maybe a few will realize he lies now…to make money.
The woman defending him is a joke. She is basically saying if you admit your mistake, you should take more heat for it than a person in complete denial.
It’s all about ratings. Having a guy who lied anchor NBC News (also managing editor) hurts NBC. Having a liar on FOX actually HELPS ratings.
If O’Reilly’s ratings ever tank, he’s gone. Recall Glen Beck got to spew his nonsense for a long time. But when he went a little too nutty even for FOX, his ratings tanked, and he got tossed.
Yes. She and the Heritage Foundation she is from have lots of “gray” areas where the proof of Billyo’s serial lying is great, but little room for doubt in the truly gray area of HRC’s emails.