Discussion: Bill Maher: Rand Paul Has Let Me Down By Pandering To The Crazies

Discussion for article #236278

Bill Maher is not as intelligent as he believes he is. Even so, it IS rather amusing to see how quickly Rand Paul transformed himself from “libertarian-lite Republican” to conventional warmongering, Bible-thumping, never-admit-you’re-wrong Republican once he got the idea in his head that he could maybe be president some day.

As for you, Bill, marijuana legalization is not the only really important issue next year. What kind of SCOTUS justices do you think Pres. Paul would nominate? I’m pretty sure preserving and strengthening Medicare and ACA and Social Security is more important than marijuana legalization. Let the states handle that one. Once enough of them legalize it, the feds will fall in line.


Truth be told, neither Rand nor his father are really Libertarians. What they are is just part of the Crazy Wing of the GOP and always have been. Senator Paul just shed the disguise because it wasn’t working to make him tons of money any more.


The Pauls are as libertarian as Chuck Shumer is anarcho-syndicalist.

EDIT: I guess unless you define libertarian as “white people greedily defending their decades of ill-gotten treasure.”

Rand Paul is the king of the crazies. What’s up with Maher?

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If Rand Paul has only just now let you down, you’re a fucking imbecile. By definition.

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You let yourself down, Maher. None of us are surprised in the least.

Ron Paul was a principled man. His principles were crazy, unworkable, and bigot-friendly, but he stuck to them.

Rand Paul is a sleazoid politician who borrowed the keys to his dad’s fan base and had nothing to fall back on when it ran out of gas.

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The fact that Maher, or Greenwald for that matter, ever took Paul seriously says a lot more about them than it does Paul. The amount of effort it would require for someone to ignore the reality behind Charles Pierce’s Paul Family Five Minute Rule* this long is staggering. It bespeaks either of a level of gullibility at odds with their presentation of themselves as the only truly savvy people in the world or of a capacity for self-deception in the interest of preserving personal animosities or ideological fantasies that make them indistinguishable from those they target for abuse.

*To recap: the Five Minute Rule states that any member of the Paul family will make sense on any political issue for exactly five minutes. Precisely at the 5:00:01 mark, however, he will say something so far off the rails that you will find yourself looking at him as though he has sprouted a reptilian head out of his sternum.


Maher can be pretty damn funny and he’s good at skewering the wingnuts in the way they deserve. However, he plainly thinks his own shit doesn’t ever stink, and hubris always exacts its price. On top of that, I bet Maher was letting his affection for pot overwhelm whatever common sense he’s got when it came to Paul. He’s now made a bit of a fool of himself, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he goes after Paul with a particularly strong venom from here on out.

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Venom always follows a nasty breakup. Doesn’t mean there won’t be a reconciliation. Or at least a one nighter that ends with another morning of fighting.

Wait, what were we talking about . . .?

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he’s trying to pose as a political hipster and not as the conventional Hollywood liberal that he is. When he had his show on ABC, he called himself a libertarian. Yeah, right. He wasn’t even the typical libertarian-who-is-just-a-pot-smoking-Republican. He just bought into the Republican bullshit that it wasn’t cool to call yourself a liberal, but that is exactly what he was back then and still is.

Oh and by the way, if he is of a mind to make a $1M donation to a deserving candidate… and he would have given it to Warren, who is not running… why would he not give it to Bernie Sanders?

yeah, you pretty much nailed it. Nothing could be added to that.

I guess Rand let Maher down in a very similar way that Maher let me down, by becoming crazier than the crazy people he talks about.