Discussion for article #225228
It’s sickening how little flak this guy takes from the left for his sexism. If we’re going to call out the right for wanting to treat women as second-class citizens - as we should - we should also stand up against the misogynists on our side of the aisle.
Sexist? There’s NOTHING sexy about that comment. We are acting as if there are no women how behave in ways that are downright abusive.
I thought it was funny.
He’s a comedian, not a senate candidate, everything he says or tweets needs to be taken in that context. Same with Stewart, Colbert and even Dennis Miller. … well, maybe not always with Dennis Miller.
Guaranteed shitstorm, but like it matters to him.
how many times to you hear someone say you have to slap men? never. and why do people bring up controlling women so often?
it is sexist.
i cant see colbert or stewart ever saying anything about slapping women, let alone to control them
The difference is that liberals DO criticize Bill Maher for these comments, and don’t feel the need to go grovelling back to him for forgiveness. R’s don’t DARE criticize Limbaugh, and if they do, they always end up crawling back to apologize. Democrats do not let Michael Moore or Bill Maher set policy the way R’s follow the lead of Limbaugh and Hannity.
Dealing with Israel is like dealing with a rapist who thinks you’re just a crazy bitch for not liking it.
Seriously, what does this asshat have to do to get fired? If this was Rush, there would be boycotts.
I think good humor often involves saying things that can sound offensive. But, sorry, I don’t think this guy is funny–here or ever. No one who is genuinely funny would talk about “having to slap a woman” in a non-ironic way, let alone as a means of making some heavy-handed political point. Maher to me is self-conscious, attention-seeking and actually kind of dumb.
What does Rush have to do to get himself fired? He’s been the target of many boycotts, lost all kinds of sponsors, is losing listenership by the day, and still he has a platform. I guess enough people have to find both these guys objectionable enough that they simply stop paying attention.
Sometimes he’ll actually have a good point with these things that spark an outcry, but this is not one of those times.
It isn’t funny. In this case bitch slapping means hundreds of people, mostly young people are dead. It just isn’t funny.
Bill Maher sucks. He’s mostly just a smug dick, and not a very good representation of the political left.
It’s Bill Maher, not Ted Cruz or Todd Akin or Sarah Palin.
Maher rightly gets called out by both sides all the time when he gets too edgy or crosses the line. He makes a living by making people slightly shocked and then delivering a punch line.
But we never hesitate to say something is off-color or wrong. WE do that. The Right NEVER does it.
Don’t fall for any of the Right’s false-equivalence traps.
hahaha Nothing is funnier than violence against women.
I don’t wade into s**tstorms on Twitter but if I did I would join the crowd that tells him that this was a terrible joke. If he decided to try it out in a drunken comedy club where nobody had a cell phone, it would have died there without the rest of us knowing about it.
Ask Jason Biggs about trying out his comedy chops on Twitter. Bad idea.
That’s a great point bunny…I mean why in the hell would you feel the need to control anyone who is trying to kill you? The headline is far different than the actual quote. Maybe reread it?
[quote=“nomoredevil, post:10, topic:7081, full:true”]
Seriously, what does this asshat have to do to get fired? If this was Rush, there would be boycotts.
[/quote] Horseshit.
Lush talks about abusing women almost daily and he’s praised for it.