“While Mattis never publicly voiced any intention of entering the 2016 race, anti-Trump conservatives latched onto the well-regarded general as a possible candidate…”
??? I wager you could stand on any street corner in the country and if every 100th person you asked knew this guy I'd fall over in shock. Maybe he's well regarded, within his profession. By the public? They wouldn't know him from the mailman.
Bill Kristol: Wrong yesterday, wrong today, wrong tomorrow.
The End.
First Halperin, now Kristol…Personally, I’d like to spitball a good one at both of these idiots. Who’s next, Ron Fournier? Undoubtably.
Ah, twitter. Thank you. It is kind of like the beginning and end of Stinky Billy, his alpha and omega. A sort of pacifier in his mouth. Now, it is time to change your diaper…
Centrist: Mattis-Rhee. Young: Sasse-Kinzinger. Conservative: Gen. Kelly-Cotton…"
“Clueless: Kristol-Halperin.”
Ron Jeremy?
(makes as much sense as anyone else he’d pick)
How could these idiots possibly think that some unknown, to most of the public, general could run as a 3rd party and do anything other than guarantee a Democratic president. The depth of stupidity is stunning. Oh, I forgot, these are Republicans and they live in their own fantasy bubble.
If Kristol picked his nose, I would assume that his finger entered some orifice other than a nostril.
Because generals are extremely good at balancing budgets and belt tightening.
Not discussed much anymore, but wasn’t Bill Kristol a lead voice in the choice of Sarah Palin for VP in 2008?
Who is he? Why is he here?
with thanks to Adm. James Stockdale.
Going for the female vote.
And don’t forget that idiot, ex-Politico editor from earlier in the week.
The beltway media are beyond clueless.
Blocked from the Presidency, Gen. Mattis retreated to Site Y.
Suck it up right-wingers – like it or not there are no white knights who are going to ride to your rescue, inside or outside the GOP. Just Trump, your dark lord and master, who is now the de facto leader of the Republican party whether you like it or not – at least until his crushing defeat in November.
At this point the best you can do is brace yourself for a huge defeat and try to mitigate the damage at the margins – and then, as you survey the wreckage and try to put the pieces back together, put the blame squarely on Trump.
Long story short, in the aftermath of Trump’s defeat, I think we’re probably going to be hearing a whole lot from GOP leaders about how the problem is that Trump wasn’t a “real Republican” or a “real conservative” and that’s why he lost.
OMG, you mean Bill Kristol was WRONG?
I don’t care if Mattis is the second coming of Jesus, just don’t forget that Bill Kristol is the genius who brought us Sarah Palin.
Once again, BK proves he is always wrong!
A military coup, that’s why! I’m surprised the wingers haven’t tried this already on Obama. The hate is strong in these folks!