Discussion: Bill Kristol Mocks The 'Liberal Elite' For Concern With The 'Persecution' Of Jill Abramson (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #222881

And anyone in the world (besides his mother) cares what little Billy Kristol says because …?


Could there be any bigger reason to ignore all the Sunday morning shows when Bill Kristol is a regular weekly guest? And the saddest part is the other media who reports on what this moron says. Yes, TPM, I mean you.

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Here’s a good consideration by Alex Pareene of the morbidly fascinating but ultimately unanswerable question, “Why does anyone pay this man to express his opinions?”

ETA interesting how it embeds that. Click on the “Rightward Lurch” headline.

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Let’s not forget that Kristol had a column at The Times and was dismissed because he made too many mistakes.


Why does he run The New York Times? Because he inherited it.
Whereas Irving Kristol’s little baby boy got where he is entirely on merit.


Because George Will has taken a job at Fox. So they are auditioning people to take his right wing seat every Sunday. Ingraham and Kristol both have the potential to create fireworks by throwing out completely insane/absolutely wrong statements which rest of the media will write columns about for the next week.

And lets face it, from that perspective, both have a higher potential to create controversy (drive ratings and click bait) than Will ever had.

Bloody Bill can go piss up a rope.
I give more thought to whatever I flush down my toilet than anything he has to say.

I know I would enjoy pouring a bucket of piranhas down his pants, that’s caring in a way, right??

Facing it is my problem. Broadcast journalism, using the term loosely, is a big part of the media world. It’s painful to see it reduced to a freak show featuring name-recognized hacks who’ll throw bombs for the amusement of the rabble. I just can’t stand it. (Sobs uncontrollably.)


Always-Wrong Little Billy is either being willfully obtuse, or is just incredibly stupid. “Persecution”? I don’t know any liberal - or, for that matter, any rational person (which leaves out the Rethugs, of course) - who equates a possibly-discriminatory firing with persecution.

I vote for Incredibly Stupid, by the way. With a large helping of malevolence thrown in, plus a goodly portion of intellectual [sic] dishonesty.

If Always-Wrong Little Billy were held to ANY kind of standard, he would be fired. Retroactively. Back to 20 years ago (at least).

And YOU are the real racist/sexist for pointing out someone else pointing out racism/sexism by a Reichtard.

Why, yes, I DO speak Wingnutese - why do you ask?

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We should all be worried about what REALLY matters!


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Just what I was about to say

Kristol–disgruntled ex-employee of the NYT.

Surprised he didn’t shout “BENGHAZI”

Why yes Bill. Because she ‘made so much money’ she should just be HAPPY that she did that ‘well’ no matter WHAT men in the same position made. She was slammed in a way no MALE leaving that position or being ‘fired’ would have been but DAMN! she got pretty high up…for a woman.

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Of course, the Liberal establishment is still reeling from the landslide victory of President Romney, as brilliantly predicted with total accuracy and truthiness by Mr. Kristol.

maybe someone in charge at ABC actually has brain damage???

Well, you know, Mr Kristol is playing a somewhat more subtle game here.

For one thing, note that he gives the figure of $750,000 for Abramson’s salary, and not the $500,000 and change that one has otherwise been published. For all I know the $750K figure is defensible by some measures, but Kristol has silently upped the figures by 50%.

And then he lumps Abramson into the 1%. Her salary figure belongs there: the $500K in the top 1% and the $750K in the top .5% (see Emmanuel Saez’s widely cited statistics). But Kristol has again changed the terms: a lot of the critique of the super-wealthy (see Matthew O’Brien, for example) focuses not on the 1% but on the .1% (roughly $1.9 million) or even the .01% (@ about 10.2 million). Kristol has now thoroughly muddled the issue, and done his job well.

Don’t misunderestimate this guy. He doesn’t exist to be correct.

Just understand that the Sunday morning talkies are not journalism. They never were. They really aren’t even targeted at people outside the Beltway. Their intent is to deliver the meme for the upcoming week for all the rest of the punditry, and occasionally create headlines by having someone say something really outlandish once in awhile on the shows.