Discussion: Bill Kristol Is Having A Good Time On Twitter: 'What's Not To Like?'

Discussion for article #228815

“What’s not to like?”



Twitter is the perfect platform for those who tell big lies, in small sentences, that cannot stand up to any questioning.


He’s what… 6 or 7 years behind the times? Smooth move dumbass.

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So he refers to himself in the 3rd person as “Mahomet” which is generally understood to be a reference to the play in which the moral character of Mohamed was mercilessly attacked (calling him “Mohamet” in the play) and is a massive critique of “religious fanaticism and self-serving manipulation” (thanks Wikipedia)? An apt analogy for Kristol and other Teatroll neo-con fanatics I suppose. According to Wikipedia, there appears to be some opinion that the play might have been an indirect or veiled critique of the Catholic Church and its crimes against humanity too. All in all, I’d gladly call Kritsol “Mohamet” all day long and watch his idiot face grow red in consternation because he can’t quite wrap his head around the booboo he made using that to describe himself.

An asswipe tweets what?

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No intern to spell check his nuggets (of wisdom?).

That’s a pretty contorted reading. It’s a pretty common saying (originating with Francis Bacon), and Kristol is just being his usual pompous self by using the archaic spellings.


You leave my contorted insults directed at Kristol alone!


It is better to tweet mahvelous than to be mahvelous… (He’s neither.)

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I suppose the Twitter handle @Chickenhawk was taken.

So he ignores criticism even when it’s right in his face.

Ladies and gentlemen; the inner mental workings of a sociopath, revealed.


“ignoring almost all the mentions and replies”

… because we’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re  studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.


BK could save Himself some aggravation if He could set His twitter account to not receive any responses. Then He could focus on just the accounts that He Himself is following.

He’s never shown any sign of self-awareness or self-examination before. Why expect any now?

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