Discussion: Bill Clinton: Suggesting Chelsea Would Act As Foundation 'Conduit' Is 'Bull'

Um, what about the Drumpf Foundation?

Helloooo… Anyone? MSMBueller?


Go get 'em Bill! Trump’s ‘charity’ is so sleazy that even regular people are beginning to realize it, making his accusations against yours another case of tyring to claim that “qui accuse s’excuse” (whoever is accusing someone is excusing himself). We have to change that adage to “qui accuse s’accuse” (whoever is accusing others is accusing himself.)


Rep. Steve King:

“She’s only 130 pounds but she’s got calves the size of cantaloupes because she’s hauling $75 million!”


What about the Trump businesses that the kids would be running?!


The Donald ‘insists’ it would be in a ‘blind trust’ with his kids running it…Trust managers call BS on that and say that’s not ‘how it works’…Trump says ‘whatever’…


You know, for all my disgust at the state of our political “journalism” and the long-time both-sidesism that’s been killing us, and for all my not-infrequent decrying of same around here, I remain utterly shocked that Farenthold’s and Eichenwald’s reporting has all but dropped into a media void. There’s so much there that any other news organization could take and run with as their own; and at the very least, they warrant regular inclusion in any Trump story as part of his “narrative,” just as virtually every Clinton piece seems to include references to her “trustworthiness problem” if not actual mentions of the email and Foundation stories that have proven to have little (email) or virtually nothing (Foundation) to them. Whatever combination of zombified “balance,” Clinton animus and pressure from higher-ups is responsible, I confess I do find it shocking, and maddening.

@mymy: Trump’s ‘charity’ is so sleazy that even regular people are beginning to realize it.

Hope you’re right…


A much better question is who will run “Trump” should Donald J tramp be elected president. Talk about conflict of interest!!


Dear ex-Prez Bill, the world-wide good works of the Clinton Foundation can continue even with a name change and without a Clinton in charge. Such self-inflicted tsuris the next President and our nation doesn’t need! Chelsea and her parents can easily and appropriately resume control of the foundation after Hillary leaves office. Even your harping on this topic now doesn’t enhance our candidate’s chances to win this election.

This is how the “appearance of impropriety” is propogated. This story is about, literally, nothing bad, untoward, illegal, improper, or otherwise remotely close to some connection of wrongdoing. But, it keeps the entirely made up story alive by being yet another post in the “where there’s smoke there’s fire” narrative the media, particularly the NYT, has created around the Clintons. I get that TPM is reporting what was already said on CNBC, and CNBC should be more aware as well, but this just adds to the “stories about the Clinton foundation”.

Considering years of people looking into the Clinton foundation have found nothing wrong, this wouldn’t bother me if this was 1/10 of the coverage Trump’s foundation got, but it’s not, my guess is just in the past month there has been far more coverage of the non-story that is the Clinton foundation vs. the Trump foundation which the WaPo has been doing great work on shining some light on.

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