Discussion: Big Win For Gun Control Groups: Target Bans Guns In Its Stores

More likely they figured that with suits over the customer data breach looming and threatening their bottom line, they didn’t need potential lawsuits over customer and sales clerks being shot through accidental discharges of guns as well.


Fail. Target doesn’t and never has sold guns. They don’t want to attract the trash from Walmart.


EG, I always knew it was you.


I don’t mean to stereotype people or be—in any way—“politically incorrect,” but does this mean that all the toothless, overweight hillbilly hoarders who are surviving on welfare and disability payments will stay at Walmart? If so, well… that would be great. As George Wallace once said, “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!”


I agree it’s a Bad Idea for businesses to inject their politics into their business model. It’s why no one I know will ever order a Papa John’s pizza, or why businesses that ban guns will probably be boycotted by repugs. Announce your political position and you automatically lose half your potential customer base.


Agree! Just a few years ago, this would have been a no-brainer. For decades, many types of establishments - restaurants, retail stores, government offices, churches, hospitals, and scores of private businesses - banned guns on the premises and no one raised an eyebrow.

Now they have to apologize for keeping crazy gun fetishists from terrorizing their customers? Something is seriously fucked up in this country.


MomsDemandAction.org led the campaign to pressure Target to make guns unwelcome in its stores. It circulated a petition with over 400,000 signatures and wielded an active and effective media/social media campaign.

Target’s decision goes beyond its own stores. It means that gun safety groups are isolating the gun lobby by driving a wedge between it and the business lobby. Target’s decision is also a step towards reclaiming the public square in the name of gun safety and changing our culture’s perception toward guns. Please consider joining MomsDemandAction.org


I think those young men would be in danger for their lives. Citizens and/or police might react badly. Yeah, that’s where we’re at now.


They’re a business, can’t they just throw someone out for not abiding their rules?

I mean, I can’t shop there without shoes or a shirt.

Surely they can refuse people with guns???


I will follow your lead and stock a son’s college apartment with Target “stuff” with a clear conscience.


and based on your post, I am joining today. THIS is what I call “the American way.”


Me too. Off to Target I go! Now I don’t have to worry about some overgrown adolescent gun-fondler leering at me in the toy department.


Cool Marby. After you join via the MomsDemandAction.org website look for your state’s Moms Chapter in Facebook. We have a chapter in every state. Just search in Facebook using the following string "Moms Demand Action - (INSERT YOUR STATE’S ABBREVIATION, e.g., TX or MD, or VA). This will keep you up-to-date on what the state chapter has going on.

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Not safe for them – it would be a suicide mission. There are far too many gun nuts who would shoot them with their own “open-carry” assault weapons.


Thanks for this info. I had already heard good things about the activities of this group, but your post today was just what I needed to take action.


What about Target stores in GA where the ‘everywhere’ law is now in effect??

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I can’t speak for anyone else, but I would feel anxious around people just openly toting guns around, and I would frankly leave for less gun laden climates. Agree with me or not there are a lot of people that feel the same, so this is just good business sense on Target’s part.


“We will respectfully request . . .” is not a ban. Until they say, “Leave your guns in your trunk,” I will continue to shop elsewhere.

It’s interesting to me that Target, and these other companies, would probably never have made this decision if not for the folks who insist on strapping large weapons onto their backs and parading belligerently around the store aisles like they were characters out of Mad Max.

It is a truly lovely example of how sometimes we don’t have to make a vociferous argument for what we believe; sometimes it is enough to let our adversaries do the speaking and, in doing so, make our argument for us.


Good for Target. However, it probably looked at all the incidents of guns going off in Walmart stores and decided, correctly, that morons with guns created an atmosphere that was definitely not family-or-individually friendly.

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