Discussion: Big Win For Gun Control Groups: Target Bans Guns In Its Stores

“What the hell is wrong with us?”

Well if you listen to the wing-nuts . . . . .
Black man in the WH is trying to take their guns.
Wimmens won’t make their men pies and want birth control.
People from Mexico–are too Mexican.
Guvmint trying to take their_______---- Fill in the blank with any
old crazy.


Carrying a gun increases your chances of being killed.
Example 1:

31 year old Joseph Wilcox pulled out the handgun for which he had a concealed weapons permit but that his family says he rarely carried. He approached Jerad Miller, a 31-year-old ex-convict who investigators say walked into Walmart, fired off one round, and told shoppers, “This is a revolution.” His wife, Amanda Miller, 22, was trailing behind, authorities said.

[Wilcox] immediately and heroically moved towards the position of Jerad Miller, “As soon as he began to confront Jerad Miller with his firearm, Amanda Miller removed her firearm and shot him one time in the ribs area, where he immediately collapsed.”

Example 2:

According to Garcia, an intruder was discovered first by the 56-year-old Terra and the intruder allegedly attacked him with a metal rod. The suspect also reportedly managed to get a gun that belonged to the priest away from him and use it against him.

When Walker, 29, emerged from his room – after hearing noises – the suspect also allegedly shot him with the gun, Garcia said.

Why, oh, why, does Target hate America? Jesus? The Founding Fathers? The God-given Second Amendment? If Target truly loved America, they’d be giving guns to their customers.


We’re a diseased species.

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You’re proof of that.


Sanity is good.

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Remind me to throw some business their way…

Not me. AFAIK, Target still permits their pharmacists to refuse to fill birth control prescriptions if they have religious objections.


Sure they can. They are private property. They don’t have to allow guns.

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You would know all about turds, Beejturd. You pack enough of them, Saturday nights at the bus station.


BS. Everyone posts signs in Texas banning guns. Not everyone in Texas is as stupid as the governor.


"…you can respect the 2nd Amendment and the safety of customers at the same time.”

Stupidly said, Moms etc.

You can respect the 2nd Amendment by not considering a bunch of dipshits with semi-automatics prancing around department stores as a “well regulated militia.”


Target cannot violate the 2nd Amendment. The right is against the government, only.


Good choice Target!!! I wonder why it took so long. Catering to a dozen gun nuts or making policy that agrees with the thousands of non gun nuts shouldn’t have taken this long.


Target logo used for target practice in 3…2…1…


A guy carrying a gun strapped across his back starting an altercation with a Target employee is going to end up in jail…even in Texas.

This was a no brainer decision. The liability for Target when a gun goes off accidentally and shoots and even kills, another customer is through the stratosphere.

I am only surprised that it took them this long to issue this statement. Because not issuing it while these idiots play it up in every news source they can talk to, makes a pretty open and shut case for their liability.


Making policy that is in line with decades of liability precedent should take a matter of minutes…not weeks.

It is amazing that we have come to a point where morons ( or is it morans) need to be asked not to bring guns into retail stores. This is truly becoming the home of the knave.

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I love this idea. Let’s take this to it’s logical conclusion…where do Scalia, Alito, Thomas and Roberts shop?

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Yes each shopping cart should have an attached assault rifle fully loaded with a 30 round clip.