Discussion: Big-Name Politicians Join Jewish Protestors Against New Opera

Discussion for article #229029

If Giuliani’s agin it, I’m fer it.

Seriously, I understand that it’s a wonderful piece that in no way glorifies the killers. And if you silenced all the bad guys in opera, you’d have a pretty thin repertoire.


"The Klinghoffers’ daughters, Lisa and Ilsa Klinghoffer, issued a statement that … says in part that while they believe the arts “can play a critical role in examining and understanding significant world events, ‘The Death of Klinghoffer’ does no such thing. It presents false moral equivalencies without context, and offers no real insight into the historical reality and the senseless murder of an American Jew.”

File this under “be careful what you ask for”. More context does not necessarily cast Israel in a more favorable light. Their problem is that there is too much context.


“Met General Manager Peter Gelb warned the broadcasts could trigger anti-Semitism overseas.”

Ridiculous. If you think some small time opera that you’re deliberately misinterpreting will be the magic catalyst sparking widespread anti-semitism in the middle east YOU HAVE NOT BEEN FUCKING PAYING ATTENTION. Day late, dollar short on that analysis, fucknuts. Get a life. Art, offensive or not, should be allowed to do its thing. The show must go on.


“It presents false moral equivalencies without context, and offers no real insight into the historical reality”

Oh, I see, so when some who-gives-a-shit opera does it, it’s suddenly a big problem, but when it’s the entire Fourth Estate, no biggy!


Thank goodness I don’t relay on Mayor 9/11+words to determine whether I choose to patronize a particular artistic endeavor. I would wonder if this idiot has even seen the performance. My opinion is no, he has not, but he has jumped on the anti-Klinghoffer bandwagon. Wait, I have a solution; if widdle Rudy is so worried that he might be offended by some content in this production, he should probably stay home, and continue masturbating to his fantasies of some day becoming President. How dare he, and these other protestors try to stop ME from enjoying a nice evening at the Met? All of these people can take a long walk off a short pier; it’s just not up to them to vet my tastes. Screw 'em all.


“Big-Name Politicians Join Jewish Protestors Against X” is not news.


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