Discussion: Biden Won't Attend Netanyahu's Speech To Congress

Discussion for article #232978

the planning process has been underway for a while

Hours, anyway; possibly days.

I look forward to the moment in coming weeks when the office of the PM of Israel announces that, due to another engagement “in planning for a while”, he will not be able to attend the speech to Congress, but nonetheless wishes to extend hearty congrats to the speaker for displaying courage above & etcetera in peeving the Obama White House, no matter how briefly.


Oh, snap!


Haha…how’s that slap in your face feel? Gonna be some empty seats for this …


AS a CLIEnt naTION, DISresPECtfuL LIBtards, LED bY DIStreSPEctor-in-CHIEF OHBUMmer SHOUldn’t BITe the HAnd that FEEDs us!1!1!!!one!!1!!!


“Hours, anyway; possibly days.”

Well, in all fairness, they did have to pick the location out of a hat… Somebody needed time to fold all the little pieces of paper…


Yes! Now maybe the Dems will follow suit and boycott as well?


Next up: "Boehner To Pass On Netanyahu Speech To Congress: Speaker Committed To “Vital Review of Native Grasses”


If there is one person in this world that I would LOVE to hear go off on Bibi (wasn’t that also Bridget Bardot’s nickname?), it is Joseph Biden.


Dear Bibi:

Israel is not the 51st state, let alone the most important state. GFY.

Still love you lots,



He should say he’s going to Michigan so his wife can refund bottles and cans, and that she hasn’t decided whether to keep the money or refund it to the treasury.


HAHA! I love it, although I do feel bad the poor soul in Biden’s office scouring the globe looking for some far away place to send the VP. Ah, what would really be great is if the VP goes to Canada for the afternoon, just long enough to make it obvious he made up a “dog ate my homework” excuse to avoid Netanyahu’s campaign speech. He should then be photographed out shopping for something so awesomely Biden-esque, like a muscle car.


lookin’ good there benjie. did you have christie for lunch recently?

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Plucky, you have found the perfect foreign trip. Please forward to Biden’s folk immediately.


Diamond Joe Biden Kicks Back In Niagara Falls, Ontario Casino Lounge, Directs All Press Enquiries To ‘Blaze’


Tomorrow every elected Democrat should announce he or she is going to be busy during the speech. I am looking at you Shumer and Wasserman Schultz.


In my dreams. Sounds a hell of a lot more important than propping up the political ambitions of a bunch of militaristic right-wing religious thugnuts who control a government in the Middle East. Seriously.

But then, my early training was in terrestrial plant ecology.


“We are not ready to announce details of his trip yet, and normally our office wouldn’t announce this early,” the vice president’s office told TPM in an email, “but the planning process has been underway for a while.”

An absolutely PERFECT cover.
See, Boehner did not let the WH know he was inviting Netanyahu to come speak, he sorta dropped it on their laps at the last minute. He did not give anyone any time to save the date, clear the calendar or pencil any other engagement in. No warning. No pre-planning. Nothing. Just out of the blue saying, “oh by the way, we’ll have a visitor that will be stopping by soon, it’s already planned, oopsie, I didn’t tell ya sooner.”
So you’re now asking, "So what, Trumpdog. How does this give Biden an out?

Because of the manner in which Boehner extended this invite, it’s the greatest excuse for Biden to say he already had prior engagement that was planned before he was given notice of this trip. Had Boehner informed him he’d invited someone over for dinner beforehand, Biden could have altered things. But because of the way this was done, he wont can’t.

PERFECT cover.

Thanks, Boehner.


What little remains of the Democratic Party in the House remains chock-a-block with Israel Lobby lickspittles

I’ll be impressed when they all boycott


And what’s even better is the way it’s being done. Deftly, with perfect superficial diplomacy. By inches. No initial public indignation from the principles (anonymous WH officials and other Dems could fill that role), so no opportunity for dueling soundbites from the “balanced” MSM. But everyone knows Biden had no travel plans just days ago, and even now they’re throwing darts at a wall map to determine the lucky destination spot. I am so loving this.