Discussion for article #232304
His chances of winning the election or even securing the nomination seem minimal at best. Still, the eventual nominee needs some worthy competition in the primaries and Biden would provide that.
I call BS. There is no chance Joe B runs for President in 2016.
No, he has been pretty consistent about intending to run for quite some time…basically as soon as the 2012 campaign was over. He is definitely in it.
But it speaks volumes about his chances when he has to go on GMA and basically remind everyone that he is a candidate, too.
I would suggest again that Biden is the reason Hillary has made no announcement yet. There is some protocol to follow here.
Bad Idea Joe, bad idea.
I think he should run for Vice President. He sure beats the hell out of the previous one!
I’m curious - why is that a bad idea?
I truly believe the worst thing that could happen for Democrats is for Hillary to proclaim her intention to run and expect that would freeze out other potential candidates. It’s supposed to be a competition of ideas.
The last thing this country needs is a coronation.
I believe that is the surest (maybe only) way to guarantee that Ms Clinton would lose.
We really do need other candidates, if only to pull her to the left.
Biden has consistently stomped on his tongue and likely will continue to. There are reams of his previous comments the repubs could and would trot out and use against him. Not the least of which he would be closely associated with Obama which in Repub lexicon would be the kiss of death. For myself I wish Obama could have a 3rd term. But the Constitution says otherwise.