Discussion: Biden Refuses To Apologize After Sharing Anecdote Aides Told Him To Change

How dare people support the candidate of their choice. What is going ON in this country? My heart weeps.


I think he exudes clueless white privilege. So does MJ:


Again, his point is that for government to work, individuals have to work across lines, even ‘red lines’. Not tolerate them, not venerate them, not applaud them, just work with them. Everything our obstructionist, non-functional, government is NOT today.

Anyone with a heartbeat knows that although Biden said “he called me son”, the sayer fully meant “boy”, and Biden fully knew what he meant, but moved on to make progress.

So, what’s the complaint about, except the sort of faux outrage that fractures the Democratic Party’s response to pretty much anything, everywhere, any time, which saps its ability to win?


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Irony for 2020: Biden’s racist and sexist Achilles’ heel with the Dems attracts the deplorables and Biden wins on the coalition of coalitions.

Tomato tomahto…

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The only apology Biden owes is to his devotees. His tone deaf fumblings prove his future is in the read view mirror.

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And also about all things gender

I’m guessing that Biden has never been called a nigger (just a hunch). Consequently, “boy” wouldn’t sting as much even if Eastland had used that (ahem) endearment.


I read the politico story that initiated Bernie’s tweet about the corporate wing. It has to do with a centrist think tank endorsing anyone but Bernie. I also read his two tweets on the corporate wing. Oddly, he does not mention Warren, but it’s an attack on her because everyone assumes she’s a corporate Democrat? Right?

His first tweet:

Bernie Sanders
‏Verified account @BernieSanders
21h21 hours ago

The cat is out of the bag. The corporate wing of the Democratic Party is publicly “anybody but Bernie.” They know our progressive agenda of Medicare for All, breaking up big banks, taking on drug companies and raising wages is the real threat to the billionaire class.

Second tweet:

Bernie Sanders
‏Verified account @BernieSanders

I’ve committed to supporting the nominee. My question to @ThirdWayKessler and the corporate wing of the party: If we nominate a progressive who supports M4A, breaking up the big banks and taking on the billionaire class, whomever that is, will you support them against Trump?

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Taking Sherrod Brown out of his Senate seat pretty much guarantees Mitch McConnell will still be Majority Leader in 2021.


“I’ve been involved in civil rights my whole career. Period. Period. Period.””

This is a horrifying, clearly disqualifying mistake. One period is all that was needed. One period indicates finality. Three periods is an ellipsis. Those indicate that you’re not done or skipping saying the rest. I really don’t know how anyone can tolerate this guy anymore.


it obviouslyl doesn’t take much to upset BOOKER…He is a very sensitive soul…and he wants to tangle with D, TRUMPf…lol.

I think the potential damage to Biden here is that black leaders stay on the sidelines and black enthusiasm for him starts to wane. That makes him a bad candidate in the general. If that happens, the nominee will be Warren or Harris. He can’t do stuff to damage the Obama halo he earned, so naturally he does a thing that could be used to damage the Obama halo. Let’s see how Biden handles this and how voters react.


You do know that dog whistle is not known for being explicit, right? By saying that “anyone but Bernie” is a corporate conspiracy, he’s calling his bros to boycott Warren and implying that Warren is either a corporate shill herself or being used in the conspiracy.

You are wrong.

You think you can just abandon and IGNORE 45% of the country because you don’t agree with them?
Then you are just as bad as they are. The flip-side of the same coin.Your way or the Highway.
You don’t defeat an enemy by BECOMING THEM. Your “Big Tent Democratic Party” will be pretty empty if you go down that route as the Democratic Party becomes a circular firing squad of Purity.

Biden is not saying (and has NEVER SAID) he will agree with the Reich-Wingers and roll-over and do their bidding, he has just said he will TALK TO THEM and try to reach a consensus. That is called DIPLOMACY and POLITICS.

You just want your way, 100% of the time, no questions asked. Don’t like it? Swipe Left.

That is not reality.

Just because Cory Booker is Black does not give him special rights to tell Joe Biden who he can be friends with and how to talk about them.
I don’t let anybody tell me who I can be friends with, and neither should you.

You are ignoring the root statements and obsessing on the back-and-forth hand-waving.

So, if Joe Biden is the nominee, you will not vote for him, secure in your Self-Righteousness. Got it.


As Archie Bunker once said “Boy, not boy, boy!”

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The primaries are tough times on lefty sites. People get pretty defensive. One should just expect that. I’ve tried to remain emotionally unattached to any favorite, because I remember when John Edwards had to drop out of the race when it was revealed that he was having an affair and was concealing it. I was on daily kos back then, and, oh my goodness, it really personally devastated the Edwards supporters. They had been very stridently supporting Edwards and pushing back against the other candidates ( or “eating their own” as you call it ) and it was like a major death in the family when the news hit. The non-Edwards supporters had to tip toe around very softly for a few days.

There are so many candidates that I decided to wait till things thin out a bit before choosing my favorite, BUT, I have to admit I am pretty impressed with Warren, not emotionally attached to her persona, just impressed with how she is running her campaign. I like the way she lays out her plans, and the way she can clearly explain her positions to people, and I like her positions. If Biden wins the nomination, I would support him in a heartbeat, but If I think Warren is a better candidate and would make a better president, I am gonna vote for her in the primaries.


OK, now back to telling people to fuck off in a more direct manner…

Good. He shouldn’t apologize. He didn’t pick those people. He didn’t elect them. He didn’t vote for them. He didn’t go to Congress wishing to be stuck in the same room as racists and bigoted pricks and told “now, make it work.” But he absolutely was sent to Congress to find some way of getting something done despite their differences, despite how abhorrent the people he had to deal with were. It’s fucking ridiculous to pretend otherwise. It was his JOB. His DUTY. Where is it written that doing your duty is prima facie evidence that you liked having to do it or preferred the conditions under which you had to accomplish it? And is it really so surprising that putting things aside in order to work with other human beings has you realizing they’re just other human beings, not monsterous caricatures and bogeyman? That it can even result in friendship? WTF people?

This kerfluffle is silly. I still maintain that he should’ve been smarter than to hand angry people on the left something to attack him with, but substantively he wasn’t wrong and owes nobody an apology. Politics is a dirty, stinking, filthy, rotten, ugly business and people need to stop pretending to themselves that we can somehow make it pure and clean just by insisting hard enough or that the hard work of generating change and progress doesn’t include holding our noses and doing shit we don’t like. Biden dosed people with a little practical reality with what he said. Boohoo for bitter pills. Change doesn’t happen unless you swallow it and work with them:

Nobody is…or at least very few are…completely beyond redemption. You have to believe that or the only conclusion left is that there’s no point in fighting to fix this shit we’re in.


Plenty of people, including the writer of yesterday’s story on this debacle, have acknowledged that Eastland was a Democrat. His party affiliation is only a surprise to people who are wholly ignorant of American racial and political history. Still, it’s a whole lot more pertinent that Eastland was a bigoted asshole than that he was a Democrat.

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Biden 2020: Unapologetically Working With Racists to Get Things Done.

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