Discussion: Biden Reassures NATO Allies: Trump Remarks Shouldn't 'Be Taken Seriously'

Shorter Biden: Trump shouldn’t be taken seriously…


Trump: I don’t take myself seriously. If NATO pays me more money than Putin, I will be for NATO.


Dear World, please bear with us while we destroy this kook.


OT but still bigly yuge relevant…

Former IRS chief says Trump has no excuse to not release his tax returns

A couple of my own disclosures: I had the honor of being appointed IRS chief counsel by President Reagan, and being appointed IRS commissioner and then Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy at the United States Treasury by President George H.W. Bush. This year, I will be voting for Hillary Clinton . I am confident she will keep us safe and that she could and would work with Republicans in Congress to lead our country to a better future for all Americans.

Commentary by Fred Goldberg, who was appointed IRS chief counsel by President Ronald Reagan and as IRS commissioner and as Assistant Treasury Secretary for tax policy by President George H.W. Bush.



Please ignore the buffoon would normally be an outrageous thing to say about a Presidential candidate.

The fact that in this case, it isn’t, speaks volumes.


Yeah, but what the Republicans will hear is “The election’s already been rigged so there’s nothing to worry about.”

It’s comforting to think that Trump will never lead the country, but then von Hindenburg said exactly the same thing about Hitler in 1932.

Do not make census of poultry prior to compete gestation. This is no time for complacency.


I completely disagree. Trump could win and his words should be taken very seriously.
The election is not over and no one should just be complacent.

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Edit: And if anyone knows crazy, it’s Steven King.



I fully agree, but I think the die has been cast. Anyone who takes Drumpf seriously is gonna vote for him, and no facts or common sense is gonna change that. It is the undecideds, independents, Bernie Bros, etc. who have to grasp that Drumpf cannot be taken seriously as a candidate, and as such need to vote for HRC, even if she isn’t their preferred choice.

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…and those 47 Republican Senators who signed the letter drafted for Tom Cotton by Bill Kristol, they shouldnt be taken seriously…


Really? You’re going to leave out this bit of Biden brilliance?

I don’t think [Trump] understands what Article 5 is.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/joe-biden-nato-trump-227302#ixzz4IAiLcHvH


Follow both the data and polls around this election, and you will observe and hopefully learn as most of us have that trumpet does not have a path to 270 electoral votes. Clinton will carry the blue states (the entire Left Coast and NY and more) that are rich in electoral votes and on election night before the votes have been counted she will begin with around 283 electoral votes. It’s a hurdle he will never clear. No one here as far as I’m aware has let complacency set in and many are preparing to help turn out the vote and work in whatever way possible for her campaign. And always donating.


How well would a war with Russia over Latvia be received by the American electorate? Treaties, Trump, the well-being of the Latvian people aside, does everyone rush down to the enlistment office, buy war bonds, drop off scrap metal, quit wearing nylons, go without meat one day a week?

IMO, Biden is the only person that strikes the proper tone with Trump. He takes the, “This fucking guy…” approach which is pitch perfect. He’s insulted that Trump thinks he’s on par with him and other world leaders. And he should be insulted. Anyone who has dedicated their lives to public service should be insulted to their core by this fucking guy.


It would be way quicker to list the few parts of the Constitution that Trump at least knows the general topic of than the many parts he hasn’t even the faintest clue about. Basically, he’s heard of the first and second amendments, though he obviously doesn’t really understand the meaning of either of those either.


There is one other Amendment he’s given some extended thought to, probably has actually read it:

Trump has recently advocated for pulling back citizenship for illegal immigrants’ children. Some, like Trump, refer to these children as “anchor babies.”

“The parents have to come in legally,” Trump said, talking to reporters in New Hampshire Aug. 19. “Now we’re going to have to find out what’s going to happen from a court standpoint. But many people, many of the great scholars say that anchor babies are not covered (by the 14th Amendment). We’re going to have to find out.”

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Hillary Clinton believes in the power of consensus, of leadership that works to solve problems and bring people together to work toward shared interests and mutually beneficial goals.

She believes we are “Stronger Together.”

This, in contrast to Trump’s stated intent to unilaterally build a wall on our southern border and make Mexico pay for it, to expel an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in what would surely be a new Trail of Tears, to block Muslims from entering the country, and impose American economic hegemony under the threat of protectionism.

He has also stated his admiration for Putin and other authoritarian leaders, said that NATO might be obsolete, that perhaps Japan, South Korea, and Saudi Arabia might be better off with their own nuclear weapons, and that he would not rule out nuking Europe to combat ISIS.

We face a choice between two competing visions and sets of values. One calls for us to work within and strengthen a community of interests and of nations, and to coexist and resolve problems peacefully without a desire to dominate another people.

The other calls for us to look to other nations with suspicion, to enact policies that provide additional benefits and privileges to the richest and most powerful among us, and act as the ‘muscle’ behind a new global colonialism driven by moneyed interests and unaccountable deal-makers loyal to no country’s flag.


He’s constantly underestimated and hand waved off, but Biden is one of the best retail politicians I have ever seen, probably on a par with Obama and Clinton. Ryan discovered that in the VP debates last election when Biden minced him into a fine slurry. It’s not just that he’s a quick wit, which he is, or that he has an encyclopedic knowledge of the Federal government, which he does. It’s the way he has the incredulous everyman look down. As you call it, the “this fucking guy,” approach. He can immediately connect with someone and in 2 minutes he’s the best friend they’ve ever had. It’s mesmerizing.