Got my BIDEN-FRANKEN 2020 bumper sticker!
Just watch some Seinfeld, Joe.
You, or your team, didn’t think to have this response ready to go a month ago?
That is moderately damning regardless of whether you think Biden is a friendly old grandpa or ERMAGERD FRANKEN GOT RAILROADED or whatever. Piss-poor preparation.
This won’t be enough. They only want the accused to respond so they can flay them for perceived slights in and the manner of the response. Nothing is good enough but the pound of flesh evidencing that power has been wielded over that person…and the never-acceptance of sincere responses (even if they are sometimes flawed) and efforts to change are why backlash forms and progress is stymied.
Well if that’s all it takes why can’t Franken start and exploratory committee?
Why won’t anybody think of the real victim, which obviously is Joe Biden?
How cute! A programmed, robotic, almost standardized, certainly predictable go-to gotcha retort!
ETA: And you know what? It’s perfectly possible for someone being accused of “victimizing” people to in turn be victimized by the accusers and their hyperbolic overreactions and demands for the person accused to suffer some sort of palpable, permanent stigma and damage, never to be forgiven or released from exile, as the pound of flesh they demand to assuage their need to feel power. This whole thing with Biden is overblown, ridiculous and cynical and its these situations that do more damage to the movement than good, but they take on a life of their own because too many people internalize everything and live out their own resentments vicariously through the accuser, becoming accusers themselves. It’s all out of hand and the same is true for people who go bonkers and hypersensitive and rely on hyperbole with respect to other issues, like race and sexual orientation. Every false or out-of-proportion accusation damages countless other real and legitimate ones and shuts down the conversation. Weaponization of these things is the politics of self-serving opportunism, not legitimate efforts to actually create dialogue and lasting change.
Looking at Joe’s pic I wonder when does the hashtag #joesowhite begin.
@longtimeobserver BIDEN-FRANKEN 2020 bumper sticker!
You don’t need to get more than one for yourself.
In a perfect world, he would have given the cameraperson a noogie.
This is a sign that Biden is running. In a way, Team Bernie’s involvement will make Biden more determined to run. He’s not going out getting punked by Bernie like that. Had Bernie simply allowed the stories to emerge on their own, Biden might have a different political calculation. It’s now personal between them. That probably bodes well for Harris and Beto.
What more SHOULD it take in this situation?
76 year old white guy says WHAT? Yikes. What Joe needs to announce is his decision to not join the race and turn his efforts to supporting another candidate instead. Preferable a woman.
Say it again and again and again. Old white guy coasting on his time in the WH with our favorite president. It is time for a woman, there is a versatile field, and none of them will be 78 in 2020 and whose hair plugs are failing.
I think it was Jim Newell who said two years ago that the Trump vote was a primal scream by every guy who’d ever been called down to Human Resources and told not to call his female coworkers “Darlin’” any more.
This won’t be enough for some circles, of course, but anecdotally speaking, the outcry from those circles has actually strengthened Joe with communities of color. This is just stupid. It’s fucking stupid. He’s not accused of having touched anybody in a sexual manner. He’s simply being accused of being too loving, too friendly, too, I don’t even know. Yeah, this line of attack works wonderfully among mostly white progressives, but I don’t think it’s working literally anywhere else. Actually, and I know it really pisses some people here off when I dare to offer a non-white perspective, but the black community is still locked in fierce debate whether it’s OK for R.Kelly to fuck little girls. Going after a man for kissing somebody on the head does not impress us. Not at all. In fact, this is kind of why so many women of color have never really felt part of the feminist movement. Because of this kind of shit.
I don’t think he’s completely unviable as a candidate (I thought Pelosi’s “not disqualifying” comment was smart and nuanced), but why leap to the ardent defense of a guy who already didn’t bring anything unique to the table besides “remember my old boss?”
I confess I don’t really get it.