Biden has a new fan. On Maher last night, Michael Steele anointed Biden as the one who could defeat Trump in 2020. The rest of the field? Uh uh
Sorry Joe need someone closer to 50 than 80…
I saw that. Michael is so good at predicting things. [eyeroll]
Biden can’t beat Trump if he can’t get the nomination. I don’t see why we need another straight white male approaching his dotage. I really don’t. And I don’t care if someone thinks that is ageist, or sexist or racist.
As I sit here on my 2nd Redemption Rye I don’t believe Biden should run.
Then I thought," What if the Hokey Pokey is really what it’s all about!"?
AP piece so assume the concern trolling is dialed up to 11.
Steele also said that Trump would win re-election…which was funnier than Bill’s comedy…
Never found anything funny about Bill. Just sayin’.
Yep. That was a particularly boring show last night.
Biden, a 76-year-old lifetime politician with strong connections to the party’s establishment…
While I admire Joe, his demographic is busy watching Fox News and I get the sense that the folks at Fox (and AP) are just a little too eager to make Joe the Democratic candidate of choice.
Warren, who has been struggling to raise money, took it a step further late last month, vowing not to court wealthy donors at all.
In a piece ostensibly about Biden, the AP article finds time to take a backhanded swipe at Warren.
I’m getting a sense that this is less about wealthy donors supporting Biden, and more about wealthy donors stopping Warren.
I like Joe but his time has passed. Every couple of days we get the latest update on why Joe hasn’t announced, like anyone cares at this point. Just quietly announce you are not running and get on with your life. Go out with some class.
I like Joe too, but the main reason I like him is because he was such a good Veep for Obama. And I agree - go out with some class especially since that was the high point of his career. He really should retire now.
This article is similar to one that ran earlier in the week somewhere. If he runs,I think the donors and funds will be there. I think the support and volunteers will too. March is not too late to wait to announce a run. It is getting to where April is too late.
Thanks for the laugh.
Just what we need a guy who can’t make up his mind.
He’s running. He’s just chilling a bit because it is gonna be a grind. I bet his wife is encouraging him to run too because she knows he really wants to.
Yep. He should let that be his legacy, it is a better one than running and not getting past the primary again. Give it up, Joe. We need new blood.