Discussion: Biden Backlash: Dem Rivals Hit Veep For Highlighting 'Civility' With Segregationists


Forced out? Leaving of his own accord? Disgusted? Or just wants to go private so he can charge $1000-1500 per hour? Perhaps the Justice Committee should invite him to discuss this and other items.


Shit gettin’ real.


I can live with that. I’d still prefer to see Harris at the top of the ticket, but these days I’d vote for that legendary D.A.'s indicted ham sandwich before I give Trump a fart.

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He addresses her brothers. “You’ve got one job here, keep the guys away from your sister.”

Too bad Joe didn’t say something like this to his fellow Democrats about keeping the Republicans away from Anita Hill during the Thomas SC confirmation hearings.


Because Warren has actual policies, detailed, that can be discussed.

Happy Infrastructure Century!


Oh, you’re just mad at Saint Bernie because he screamed at you to get off of his lawn!


well, there goes the Jewish vote… :smirk:


Agreed, but for me I’d replace Harris for Warren in your statement.

(I do like Warren, and she is showing more potential as she goes)

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Harris/Brown for me…

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Is Biden out of touch? Does he not understand the gravity of what he’s saying and where the Democratic Party is right now? Is he already trying to reach for white, non-college educated voters in PA, WI, OH, and MI, without having secured the Democratic Party nomination?

If I had to bet, it’s not strategic, just a gaffe (for lack of a better word). Doubling down on his, “I can work with Republicans” statement. He’s better off letting it go. And never again speak of segregationists in a positive light please.

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Probably not surgery. He’s 76 with thinning hair and thinning eyebrows. His face isn’t padded out because he’s kept his weight under control. So he’s getting that Skeletor look that some old guys eventually slide into.

His age is a genuine issue, but I don’t know if how he looks will help him or hurt him. Some people are attracted to a Grandpa image.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) took an almighty swipe at Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), implying that she’s in bed with corporate interests.

What a blatant cheap shot this is by TPM - Bernie isn’t saying ANYTHING about Warren - he’s talking about the dishonest dolts who run the Democratic party.

We’ll be seeing MUCH more of this kind of dishonest spin.

The problem with Biden is that he goes so far over the edge with that concept, that he’s giving undecided voters permission to vote for a Republican instead of a Democrat in down-ticket races in 2020.

It’s fine to aim for a bipartisan approach once you’re in office. If it works, and if you’re not just getting played by the other side. It’s not fine to dampen enthusiasm for your own party in the middle of an election period.

Biden has apparently decided that he’s going to ignore the usual rules of a primary and run as if he’s already in the general election. I don’t think it’s going to work.


We’ll be seeing MUCH more of this kind of dishonest spin.

Or, you could just delete your account.


Ah, projection. You do this crap on a daily basis.


HoarseWisperer adds that investigations are being led by prosecutors in Southern and Eastern Districts of New York.


LOL. That person is one of the most vile centrists on Twitter, Congrats!


Brown’s replacement would be chosen by a GOP governor. Otherwise I would be 100% with that.

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He went beyond that in 2018:


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