Discussion for article #233862
Every single Democrat should boycott Bibi’s speech, and so should any thinking and patriotic Republican – yeah, I know, they don’t exist. Except does anyone know why Walter Jones is boycotting?
Thank you, Al Franken.
I was praying you’d come through and be the mensch I’ve always known you to be.
P.S. All the best to Franni.
I’m not going and without all that much consideration either.
This is nothing more than gamesmanship by Boener and Bibi and attending would only be acquiescing to the preposterous display of impropriety.
They will both go down in infamy for this stunt and damned well should. America and Israel are much greater than these two yahus.
Jones became a big opponent of the Iraq war; given Netanyahu’s role pushing for that debacle and his apparent attempt at a sequel with Iran, that could explain it.
Well, we’re breaking 10% of the Congress at least, so far (so almost 20% of Dems), but I’m hoping a lot more suddenly realize they have to wash their car tomorrow. And at this point it might be better to simply not show without announcing it, so Boehner won’t have time to fill their empty seats with toady GOP staffers. It’s not too late to call your rep/senators and make your feelings known.
And do check out J Street; they’re planning to run ads defending the no-shows against the scurrilous crap the right’s about to sling at them.
“56 lawmakers have said they will not attend”
Add several dozen conservatives who’d just like to humiliate Boehner again…
If there was no Boehner there would be no Bibi
“Coming to America”
Other than the fact that Scotch is used by Rubes to mean Scot, there is nothing Boehner knows that could be construed as having any conception (let alone expertise) of the outside world. This was the Master Stroke which would throroughly embarrass the Obama White House. The fact that this “embarrassment” also contained ingredients which, in the long and short term, harm U.S. national security and interests mean nothing.
I would suggest that Mr. Boehner has just started. There are 20 months left in this election cycle.
Ahh, but are there 20 months left in Boener. He is flailing.
Too bad Pelosi, WassermanSchultz, and Hoyer don’t have backbones too.
Bibi has a career even if he loses the election on March 17, but I’m not so sure where Ron Dermer goes from here if Likud loses. What may have seemed like strategy now just looks like mischief or political hooliganism.
There should be a mention that 200 retired commanders of the IDF have come out with a statement condemning Netanyahu for this little game playing. They’ve been after him for a while because they consider him to be a clear and present danger to Israel.
Al is my Senator too and I did write to both he and Amy asking they not attend. But I haven’t found a source of the list of people not attending. Where did you find the news about Al? Do you know if Amy is? I suspect so.
Edit, I found it. Duh, Google. And I was right, Amy Klobuchar, our other Senator, does seem to be attending.