Good for him.
My addition would be “if Mueller is fired, is this the beginning of the end of the US as we know it?”
The election of Trump was the beginning of the end of the US as we know it…
If DJT pardons himself, he’ll be on some kind of mobius strip of justice. He’ll be in some existential Escher print in some hall of mirrors during Groundhog Day forever.
I think the election of Reagan was the beginning of the end.
To which Trump replied, “Eh, still better than forever having been found guilty of a crime, know what I’m saying?”
Are they egging trump on? If so, I hope they have a good handle on the situation.
Trump is certainly going to do anything it takes to stay not only out of jail, but innocent in his own mind. And by innocent in his own mind, I mean, using every weapon at his disposal, and twisting every law to his benefit, damn the consequences, if he can keep his money and the title “President”, even nominally.
He’s more likely to die an autoerotic death than resign.
Forever appearing guilty is allright. I’d prefer him legally found guilty at some specific time. Any would do. How about late October, 2018.
Nixon was the beginning of the end. It has not become any better since then.
In a nutshell, “I win.” We (including myself) keep saying this or that is his admission of guilt. That’s clear and obvious. But in the end, the man doesn’t fuckin’ care as long as he “wins.”
If Mueller is fired, will Congress pass a new independent counsel statute? 1/X
— Preet Bharara (@PreetBharara) July 21, 2017
Thanks for playing.
Well, now I have a new wish to add to my daily prayers.
Guilty verdict in October 2017 would be even peachier. Then go for Pence in 2018.
As if he cares one whit. Poor Preet; he’s living in the olden days.
Also trapped in caves of ice… a mad immortal man.
There’s very little that a strong shower rod, nitrous oxide and a high quality vibrator won’t fix.
If Robert Mueller is fired, the rule of the illegitimate POTUS, Putin’s Puppet, must be ended immediately to protect our nation, the rule of law, and our constitution.
Good for Bharara. Trump trolling at its finest.
I wish Mueller would ask Bharara to join his investigative team. That would really shove a rusty railroad spike up Trump’s fat ass.