Discussion: Bezos Tells Of Nat'l Enquirer Blackmail To Publish His Intimate Pictures

Best tweet on the subject:

“Dick pick” blackmail allegation puts Pecker in a tight spot

— Radley Balko (@radleybalko) February 7, 2019


Well shit

"You don’t tug on superman’s cape
"You don’t spit into the wind
"You don’t pull the mask off that old lone ranger
“And you don’t mess around with (Jeff)”

Maybe the dumbest play the National Enquirer could possibly make. You don’t hustle the richest man in the world, a man who buys ink by the train car load.


A relatively tiny corporation takes on unlimited funded teams of investigators, strategists, and law firms because they support Trumpski. Following conservatives down a rabbit hole does have its hazards.


I think the House of Saud is involved as well. The Post has made going after the crown prince its mission since the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.


A golden opportunity for anyone whose job is writing headlines for a Rupert Murdoch tabloid.


As I posted in WAR Thread:

If there’s a tRump connection (FN, Kush), then this shit would be McCarthy era Roy Cohn rat-fucking amped up to runaway fusion explosion levels (Castle Bravo IIRC for you cold war geeks).

Okay - and now we circle back to the heart of where we are today in tRump’s Amerika (from comments section in WAPO article, h/t yvette comments):

8 minutes ago
Think about it folks - I have stated here numerous times that Congressional Republicans have been compromised. Either by Pecker or Putin - one of the “P’s” are involved.

If Pecker would go after Bezos for Trump why wouldn’t he do the same to get Republicans to do Trump’s bidding? Lindsey Graham comes to mind - notice how strange his 180Âș flip on Trump. Republicans are low down, but there is something especially weird about how they are looking the other way when it comes to Donald Trump.

So we may have the potential unholy alliance of a whack of major bad actors: Russia, Fox/Murdoch, AMI/Pecker, Fat Nixon/Kush, Saudi Arabia, UAE, NRA - holy shite, what a friggin’ mess


isn’t that the “intimate” pic in question just above the article?

Oh, my mistake. Must be the bald look.

Several days ago, someone at AMI told Bezos’ team that the company’s CEO David Pecker was “apoplectic” about the investigation, Bezos said. AMI later approached Bezos’ representatives with an offer

Is it just me, or does it seem to be a poor negotiating tactic to tell the person you are trying to intimidate that the boss is “apoplectic” over his actions? What is it with these people?

It is a federal crime to threaten to injure someone’s reputation in exchange for money or a “thing of value,” though federal courts haven’t made it directly clear whether a public statement, like the one demanded by AMI, could be considered something of value.

What AMI was demanding, a public statement that their ‘reporting’ is not politically motivated, would burnish AMI’s reputation, and strikes me as a “thing of value.”


Could be, because nothing else really makes sense.

Watching today’s news (especially if anything new drops from the Mueller camp), I think today might just be a day drinking day. :yum:


Remember Stormy Daniels. There was an allied case involving Karen McDougal. Pecker’s people eaters were involved in that case, they paid McDougal $150,000 and killed her story at the direction of Individual 1. Well, they signed a plea deal that goes away if they commit a crime within 3 years. Guess what, if there is a crime in this mess, David Pecker might find himself in front of a Federal Judge being sentenced for an election law felony. I would be “apoplectic” too if one morning I discovered Jeff Bezos had turned the most powerful and successful PI firm in America loose on finding how AMI got the incriminating emails they broke a few weeks ago.


Please let this be the end of the National Enquirer.


My understanding (from watching the talking heads on the teevee) is that since the demand was done through lawyers that it falls (just barely) on the side of not being criminal. But, the stealing of the private communications of Jeff Bezos most certainly is criminal.


I don’t know what talking heads you are listening to but using lawyers to commit a crime doesn’t make it legal. It just makes the lawyers criminals.


Bezos is not exactly the kind of person who inspires admiration from me - he has been shown to be quite a dick many times - but the idea of a REAL multi-billionaire destroying a PHONY multi-billionaire like Trump does bring a little ray of sunshine into my otherwise dreary life.
And I’ll bet those weasels Stephen Miller, Kellyanne Conway, and Matt Whitaker were some of the ones behind this shit. And Donnie, Jr. and Needledick Kushner were almost certainly cheering them on.


So if my lawyer shoots the primary witness against me in the head, it makes the original crime I was charged with not criminal?

First, when Hillary spoke of a “vast right-wing conspiracy,” they all laughed.

Second, the key to criminality is how they got that stuff from Bezos’ phone.

Third, we are now seeing another break-through in a public-mood sea change about standing up to the bullies. Madame Speaker: “Have I not been clear about the wall? There will not be another shutdown.” Jeff Bezos: “Fuck me? No, Fuck YOU!”

I hope point three begins to inspire even more people/officials to take power away from the bottom-feeders who have done so much to destroy others.