Discussion: Bezos Probe Concludes Mistress' Brother was Enquirer Source

I call final use of the word ā€˜probeā€™ unless the journalist is talking about :

  1. NASA
  2. Medical procedures

at least until 2020. investigates, explores, researches, seeksā€¦something


How can some one like Bezos be as dumb as trump? How could Bezos be attracted to a plastic sex doll? SMH

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Coupled with the interview Michael Sanchez gave to FOX News yesterday, I wonder if this was actually a typical National Enquirer ā€œMutt and Jeffā€ routine gone bad ā€” Sanchez steals the photos and sends them to the Enquirer, then offers to ā€œnegotiateā€ between the tabloid and Bezos for soft-pedaled coverage in exchange for an exclusive interview (similar to what they did with Cosby), with Sanchez receiving some unspecified payout. Instead, Bezos goes ballistic, connecting it to the ongoing attacks on the WaPo by Trump and KSA, and blows the whole scam sky-high, taking down the Enquirerā€™s con game. There would be some poetic justice in thatā€¦


Sure he did, but who helped him? I donā€™t buy that this lone nutjob he conceived and executed this elaborate scheme to set-up and catch Bezos with his pants down. How do you say kompromat in arabic?


First, it seems odd for middle aged siblings to have legitimate access to one anotherā€™s phone, or to go around hacking their phone.

Second, if we take AMIā€™s word, he has been providing them info for SEVEN YEARS!?! About what, his sister? Or did Bezos make the mistake of having an affair with the sister of a sleaze merchant? Or was Lauren a honeytrap?!!


This should make Thanksgiving dinners rather awkward for the next few decades.


So! Did this Sanchez guy just totally go all Linda Tripp on his own sister as a favor to his great god-king Trump? OR was sis in on it all along, and they were doing the exact same thing that got Kushnerā€™s daddy a couple years in the slammer?

Enquiring minds want to know!


In a Jan. 31 tweet, he said without evidence that Bezosā€™ longtime security consultant, Gavin de Becker, who is leading the private investigation, ā€œspreads fake, unhinged conservative conspiracy theories.ā€

Unlike David de Pecker.

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  1. The Mueller Probe.
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I think that if my sister was dating the richest man in the world, I would try to stay on his good side. But, thatā€™s just me.


This is probably revenge for getting nothing out of the relationship. Other than some smug grins from the smuggest man on earth.

Iā€™m really glad Iā€™m not the only one now wondering whether the sister was in on it. What finally clinched my suspicions was learning that her brother is her manager. Why didnā€™t she fire his a55 immediately? Either heā€™s the biggest idiot in the world (besides Hair Furor) for biting the hand(s) that feed him, or thereā€™s more to this story and sheā€™s likely involved.

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I still prefer the term ā€˜investigationā€™ or ā€˜inquiryā€™, although thatā€™s a bit too soft

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I agree with you. Michael Sanchez has stated that his sister is his ā€œbest friend.ā€ Itā€™s becoming apparent that, despite all the so-called jobs he claims to have, he probably makes his living by selling dirt on celebrities to the National Enquirer and other celebrity gossip rags. Heā€™s omni-present on Twitter, defending Trump for even the silliest of slights. His ā€œbest friendā€ sister must certainly have been in on the plan all along.

However, that doesnā€™t explain why Pecker went ballistic over Bezos having Gavin de Becker investigate the matter. Surely it wasnā€™t to protect Michael Sanchez. Iā€™m wondering if Sanchez was responsible for giving the text messages to Pecker/AMI/National Enquirer, but that the photos came from another source. . . like maybe MBSā€™s intelligence service?


Filed under ā€˜Things that make you go, ā€œHmmmmā€¦ā€ā€™

Hereā€™s an interesting tidbit from Fox News, of all sources: https://www.thedailybeast.com/fox-news-claims-bezos-lover-showed-photos-and-texts-to-friends?ref=home

Lauren is/was a TV personality, and Michael is her manager. in other words, they probably interact far more than your average middle aged siblingsā€¦

this looks like misdirection to me ā€“ the details of the story make it clear that there is no suggestion that the pics Lauren shared were ā€œintimateā€.

Good point. I guess weā€™ll find out eventually.

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Bezos is an idiot for sending nude or semi-nude photos over the phone (kids, donā€™t try this at home!).

Bezos is an idiot for dating a woman whose brother and manager is a Trump acolyte, and friends with other nutcases Stone and Page, and assuming nothing would happen.

Bezos is an idiot if he is not doing even a perfunctory background check of his friends and associates.

Other than that, Bezos writes a good blog, I subscribe to WaPo, and I have to buy something on Amazon.

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