Collides with collude?
Sounds like a Monica Lewinsky type set up to me.
No collusion, No collusion, No collusion…
So he suspects the brother of his mistress, who hangs around with Roger Stone and Carter Page?
I wonder why.
Billionaire oligarch Jeff Bezos’s
Nice description of Bezos, Josh. I hope more in the media start using it. Especially with Schultz.
Given how thoroughly Bezos has thrashed his business competitors I’ll wager that Bezos is prepared to wage unending war about this. He won’t get tired. He won’t get bored. And he sure as hell won’t run out of money.
CLEARLY in the category of “you can’t make this up”.
Well, the hypothesis was that the leak was driven by Trump’s feud with Bezos, so we should not be surprised if the facts start to head toward confirmation.
Question, though: what exactly does Bezos think is going to happen if and when his private investigators find a smoking gun? Our slide into plutocratic dystopia is not so advanced that it’d be okay for Bezos to send a detachment of some private army to mete out punishment. If he has any legal remedy against the Enquirer, would it necessarily stop there, or is there a law that could reach whatever shadowy figures were pulling strings behind the scenes if only their identifies were known?
Seriously, what’s the end-game here?
We are living in the weirdest of all possible worlds these days, aren’t we?
“Stone purportedly denied to the Daily Beast that he had hacked Bezos’ phone, without being asked whether that had happened.”
Stone: “I did NOT murder that Chick-fil-A waitress, dismember her body, and feed it to Credico’s dog!”
Mueller: “What Chick-fil-A waitress?”
Mueller: “Credico’s dog?”
Mueller: “Somebody get Wray on a secure line.”
Stone: “Did I mention that I colluded with Russia?”
I really shouldn’t be surprised. All crooked roads lead to Roger Stone like some bizarro version of Ancient Rome.
With respect to the picture above the article. I’m at a disadvantage here. The miscreant on the left looks suspiciously like Rick Gates Carter Page* .The guy in the middle looks like Epstein. The woman, though undoubtedly prominent, is nameless to me. I haven’t been keeping up, obviously. But what do these people have to do with Bezos and his inquiry. Asking for me. I have no friends.
*Corrected - thank you.
Don’t pay any attention to that man behind the curtain.
If there is evidence of hacking, I’d imagine there could be a criminal (and civil) complaint.
Hoo boy.
Stone confirmed his association with Sanchez in text messages with The Daily Beast on Wednesday evening. “I do know Michael Sanchez—very good guy,” he wrote. Stone proceeded to deny that he hacked Bezos’ phone. When The Daily Beast pointed out that it had never suggested or asked if he had, Stone replied, “You are busted. You are not a journalist. No one believes anything you write.”
When picking romantic partners, perhaps one should check whether any of their family members or associates hangs out with well-established ratf*ckers.
Billionaire oligarch Jeff Bezos
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times: If you see the phrase “Russian oligarch” and you focus on the word Russian, you’re focusing on the wrong word. Concentrated wealth is the real danger to democracy, no matter where it calls home…
Isn’t the guy on the left Carter Page? Still doesn’t answer your basic question as to what these people have to do with the story.
Seriously, what’s the end-game here?
Hell. The end-game is hell.