Discussion: Beverage Co. Blames Bankruptcy On 'Duck Dynasty' Endorsement Overload

Discussion for article #232118

Any company that chooses to do business with these godawful frauds deserves whatever financial misery it gets.


I also wonder if, at any stage, Uncle Si agreed to wear a puffy shirt.


Shouldn’t the company be blessing the invisible hand for smashing it to make room for better beverage companies?

The bankruptcy of Chinook USA was all part of the invisible hand’s plans. It is not for us to question the actions of the hand, but to figure out what the hand is trying to teach us.


The guy sounds like an idiot

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They paid $1.7 Million? For the rights to “Uncle Si”?

How about slapping on a new label?


Feel how sorry I am!!!


good make me smile, no rubes buying teabagger tea

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Just change the name to Aqualung.

when you lie down with dogs …


If this tea company wants to deal with the Duck Dynasty crew/clan then it’s nobody’s fault if they didn’t do due diligence to know what they were getting into.


When you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas.


When you cavort with drakes, you get pizzled in ways horrifying to many humans.


Thanks for including the list of other d-bag companies I can be sure to not patronize. Only one I heard of is Crocs. Kinda surprised, but those shoes a fugly as heck anyway.


“so obsessed by… self-gratification”

So, the Duck Commanders were too busy masturbating to sell ice tea.


I wonder if the Darwin Awards consider corporations as people. If so, we may have a winner.


You know the old expression: “Lay down with ducks … wake up with mites”

Or is that gizzard worms?

Or perhaps swimmer’s itch?

Doesn’t matter, since Lord Sid says these diseases can’t be transmitted through his magickal comic book sex :smirk_cat:

When I am thirsty and hanker for an iced tea that last one I would reach for is one associated with a bunch a unkept, bigoted, fundamentalist nut cases.


“Now, hopefully, we have the attention of the Robertsons,” Chinook’s lawyer, J. Bruce Miller, told the WSJ’s Katy Stech. “They have a billion-dollar business, and they need to get it under control.”

I don’t think it’s DD that needs to get it’s billion-dollar business under control, they seem to be doing fine cashing the corporate checks while laughing all the way to the bank. I think it’s this beverage company that seems to have dropped the ball in not making sure the Robertsons properly advertised the product like they presumably should have. It’s shitty they are stuck with the product that doesn’t seem to be moving but I don’t think blaming it on DD is fair. Did they try to get them to make media appearances or sue them for making deals with other beverage companies before filing for bankruptcy? If so, I can totally see their point. I don’t know…just seems like they are using the Dynasty clan as scapegoats for their lagging business.

Should be interesting to see the outcome of this lawsuit, though. Hopefully the company will be able to recoup their losses but at this point I think they are pointing the finger at the wrong people.

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I wish all these hillbillies would go away permanently!