Discussion: Betrayal! Right Wing Aghast That Trump Won't Pursue Hillary Clinton Criminally

You are correct. It was just a stupid chant used to incite anger and revenge feelings within a mob of thugs. That’s what got him off - everyone cheering and chanting.

Trump would often admit in interviews that he used the “Build the wall” mantra because it got people so hyped up. Not because he ever intended to build a wall.

Chanting “Lock her up” and its more grisly variations were a way of his thugs letting off steam.

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I’ve been watching some of the TV talk tonight and the media (CNN and MSNBC) keeps talking about how he’s decided not to pursue Hillary is breaking a promise as if that’s a bad thing, almost like they’re disappointed.

I would venture to guess that if she decided to pursue an audit of those states called into question for hacker interference, his prosecution decision would quickly be reversed… again.

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I just read about that in New York magazine.

I just knew it.


Asking again

With everything that is now known about him (and what could be revealed during final cycle) do you think that he would have defeated both Trump and Clinton?

and before you answer, be advised that Clinton a) battled him with one arm behind her back and b) her free hand was essentially wearing a ‘velvet glove’.

that remains to be seen. What I do know is that in an ‘all hands on deck’ event, the last thing that you want to ask/assert is that with everything that the ‘enemy ops’ had on both candidates, that a miracle could have happened.


Actually I wouldn’t be surprised f this particular factory stays. There is a lot Trump can give Carrier to ensure this one specific factory stays.

It won’t matter to them. The world is a worse place and liberals are unhappy. That’s all they’ve wanted in their lives.

These are there people who go coal rolling.


So now, with feigned magnanimity, Trump is playing the nice guy by not prosecuting her (as if a President has such authority) for things that never happened. Perhaps that’s a good example for a word like “Trumpish” or “Trumpy”: forgiving a person you falsely accused, and then expecting to be praised for feeling generous.

Still deluding yourself that Bernie would have beaten Trump?

As far as emotional maturity goes, he is a little kid. How often does he use “unfair”?

I did read somewhere today – maybe the NYTimes that there is suspicion of hacking the voting machines in several states Trump won by a suspicious majority and that is being investigated.

Yes Darcy, you add such an intriguing counterpoint to every conversation. How could we live without self-described wit?

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Thy’ll say that he has his reasons for not doing this or that. This guy was elected because of personality not because of his agenda. His fans are exposing the cult of personality. He can do no wrong.

I guess LOCK-HER-UP is amended to NE-VER-MIND

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I’m wondering if we might yet see the first pre-inaugural impeachment…and cries to lock HIM up…

The wheels are flying off Orange Pustule Hitler’s shit wagon so fast. With biz conflict stuff at lead, we will soon be in Watergate territory. And I dont think Pense will make it either. Enter Ambassador Romney to the Gerry Ford rescue.

Darcy, Darcy, Darcy have you become tender shrinking flower?

That map gives them too much credit for knowing geography.

Every time I heard that chant all I could think of was the story of Christ’s crucifiction where the mob would chant “Crucify him!”
NOT that I am comparing Clinton to Christ, far from that.
But just that compare the pure barbarism of the crowds 2000+ years ago and today Humanity hasn’t come very far. Still a bloodthirsty and cruel bunch.

“With everything that is now known about him (and what could be revealed during final cycle) do you think that he would have defeated both Trump and Clinton?”

Of course. Absolutely. What’s with the one hand tied behind her back and the velvet glove? Never mind. Not worth the your time or mine.

“enemy ops”?

One question: do you think Millennials care whether Bernie is a Democratic Socialist or not?

But before you answer that … do you think young voting age Cuban Americans considered the Bay of Pigs invasion when voting?

the issue isn’t just millennials…

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